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 Gas Pedals

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Josh Blair
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Josh Blair


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PostSubject: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2011, 6:36 am

how did some of you do them?
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PostSubject: I like mine   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2011, 12:00 pm

I used a mounten bike cable and handle I cut some of the handle bar off and bolted it to the frame then I took the cable and hooked it up to the govener. Make sure you have a good spring pulling it back or it will sit there and rev to high. I dont use the govenering setup it is to slow not had a problem yet. will post video on my youtube when I get some time but I have been in a crunch this week. Hope that helps.
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2011, 3:01 pm

check out arlid365 and fearlessfront on youtube
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Josh Blair


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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2011, 5:05 pm

fetters18 wrote:
check out arlid365 and fearlessfront on youtube

yeah i saw those, but i wanted to see all the different ones
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 6:24 am

You have any spare tractor parts around? I did a gas pedal on my mod MTD for practically nothing - used the clutch pedal assembly off my wheelhorse ( it doesnt need it) , couple springs, couple brackets i had, some bolts and bicycle derailer cables.
Gas Pedals File0012

Gas Pedals File0013

My mod tractors all use the governer, first i dont want to wreck a perfectly good motor and second if over revved the flywheel would explode .

I pushed my mod murray to around 35-40mph - it was too unstable to attempt any faster speeds( it wouldve went faster)- it was nearly all stock and i used the governer.
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2012, 11:46 pm

I know it's kind of off subject but what did you do to your tractor for it to reach those speeds and still use the governor?
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Tractor Man Jeff
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2012, 8:43 am

Here's mine. I took a bike seat stem And using one of the Honda 250 handlebar clamps, I clamped the stem, and screwed the clamp to the frame. I then clamped the bike hand brake onto the stem. Reusing the deck engage linkage, a spring, and some custom fab work, attached it to the governor. To grip the lever better, I slipped a bike pedal on the handle.
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2012, 1:05 pm

Tractor Man Jeff wrote:
Here's mine. I took a bike seat stem And using one of the Honda 250 handlebar clamps, I clamped the stem, and screwed the clamp to the frame. I then clamped the bike hand brake onto the stem. Reusing the deck engage linkage, a spring, and some custom fab work, attached it to the governor. To grip the lever better, I slipped a bike pedal on the handle.
Gas Pedals DSC_1066

Nice job Tractor Man, I like the way you've done that, I looks really smart Very Happy
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Tractor Man Jeff
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2012, 9:51 pm

LOL! When I had gotten the spindle out the pedal, I began wondering how I would put the thing on. I got fiddling with it and, what do ya know, It stuck on it without any modification. Now my cowboy boots won't slip off. Cool
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2012, 4:28 pm

Bandit1: the murray had a 18HP twin opposed on it and a 6 speed trans along with a 6" motor and 4" trans pulley and 8" wheels all around.

Heres how i did the throttle with the governer on the twin:
Gas Pedals Thrott12

Another thing that made the murray hard to handle was i used a ATV brake handle for a throttle on the steering wheel as a first attempt at building one - not good for driving and trying to steer and shift all at once. And it had no brakes - another challange....

The smaller motors i tried would barely hit 15 mph- figured with a whole lot bigger motor it would move lots faster..... the MTD could barely get out of its own way - BUT after looking in my MTD owners manual from my 92 white, adjusting the speed control rod wouldve propelled it a bit faster - the PO on my 91 stock mower tweeked it, thing goes fast in 7th. Dont have my MTD together anymore tho......
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2012, 1:14 pm

Hey guys i'm in the process of mounting a pedal on my mower with a bike brake handle, but i cant think of a good way to mount it to the foot board..Any ideas??
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2012, 2:52 pm

You could do like this guy did -

We custom fabbed ours so not sure how we would mount the bike handle type.

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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2012, 5:15 pm

Ive seen guys use a flat piece of metal and a door/gate hinge as a foot pedal .
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PostSubject: Re: Gas Pedals   Gas Pedals Icon_minitime

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