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 Vanguard 18/20 hp Parts Hack!

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Rustbucket Garage
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Vanguard 18/20 hp Parts Hack! Empty
PostSubject: Vanguard 18/20 hp Parts Hack!   Vanguard 18/20 hp Parts Hack! Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2023, 6:06 am

If you have a 20 horse Vanguard twin, you will probably find that parts are “hard to come by.” I know a decent portion of us (myself included) feel that spending the money on OEM gasket sets is often money that does not reflect the quality of the gaskets themselves. Seals are a complete other story though, bear in mind.

The 20 horse Briggs twin uses the exact same block, sump, rods, and heads as an 18 with a single barrel carb. Cranks may be swapped over as long as both are from engines dating before or after May 1st, 1997. For some reason pistons, rings, and cams are not interchangeable, though the timing gears on the crank are the exact same. I suspect the 20 has a compression release and the 18 does not.

The carburetor on a 601 Kawasaki is pretty much identical to these 2 barrel Nikki’s and would probably swap over also. So, if you have an 18 and want to bump it up to a 20 you can put a 2 barrel carburetor and manifold on.

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Vanguard 18/20 hp Parts Hack!
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