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 Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp

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Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Empty
PostSubject: Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp    Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2011, 12:00 am

got a briggs 14.5 ohv single thought it was sized but come to find out the magnets let go and took out the stator Exclamation
well ive heard about ppl regluing them back in with jb weld????? also does it matter what way the + and - polarity face??
i all ready have the magnets cleaned and the flywheel all dry and wire brushed. Is there any other briggs motors that interchange with this one?
cheapest flywheel i found was used for 80 on ebay wich my luck id get and mags fall off.
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Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp    Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2011, 7:08 am

Best bet is to leave em out - if they dont sit in far enough, it can cause further issues with a stator installed - it wont matter if the stator is gone missing a few magnets .

I had that happen to an 11HP briggs once - i just left the stator out and pulled the rest of the loose magnets and stuck it back on, i didnt feel like digging thru my parts stuff to swap flywheels and a stator.

Pretty much all the single flatheads interchange pieces- with OHV motors im not sure.

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Age : 34
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Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp    Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2011, 11:12 am

well dont u need all the mags and the stator to keep the battery charged and work the lights. And all the magnets let go theres 12 of them and there about an 1'' in size im going to jb weld some in and see how they hold. Still trying to find a used flywheel but its hard around here and i dont really want to pay $130 for a $20 tractor lol

heres some pics of the damage silent
Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  8
Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  7
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Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  9-1
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Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Empty
PostSubject: Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp   Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2011, 7:09 pm

polarity on the magnets does matter. I usually use epoxy to re install the magnets. I have seen magnet put on with jb weld come off.
check with local mower repair shops. this time of year things get slow and they scrap out the DOA mowers that have stacked up over the summer. you can get parts real cheap if not free. same goes with complete tractors. might be able to find a running motor off of a mower with a bad hydro
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PostSubject: Re: Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp    Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp  Icon_minitime

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Flywheel/Magnet /Stator problem Briggs 14.5 hp
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