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 small jack suitable for LT and GT

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2024 Build-Off Entrant
2024 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 63
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small jack suitable for LT and GT Empty
PostSubject: small jack suitable for LT and GT   small jack suitable for LT and GT Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2024, 11:21 pm

Performance Tool Scissor Jacks W1600

I am using this jack to lift riding lawn mowers and lawn tractors.  

I needed something with a wide base, short in height, that could lift 12" high in the air as I shoved either wood blocks or cinder blocks (CMUs) under the rear axle to work on the machine.  The mowers only weigh between 400-1000 pounds, but, even with the small riding mowers it can be a hassle lifting them up high enough to block them to change a tire.

Not as stable as a floor jack, but, it does not weigh 50-80 pounds, which if you bring it along for a ride, makes a big difference in carried weight on a 400-1000# machine.

small jack suitable for LT and GT Jack_210

small jack suitable for LT and GT Jack_211

I put an adapter on mine so I can easily use an impact driver (1/4" Ryobi - maybe 30 ft pds?)  or 1/2" ratchet to quickly raise and lower it.

TONDA Scissor Jack Adapter for 1/2 Inch Impact Wrench or 13/16 Inch Lug Wrench, Scissor Jack Drill Adapter for Impact Drills Socket Automotive Jack RV Trailer Leveling Jack

It works well doing the front too and lifting at the pivot point.

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small jack suitable for LT and GT
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