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 Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor

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Age : 47
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PostSubject: Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitimeJanuary 6th 2012, 7:02 pm

Here's a quick vid of my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor cranking. Not sure if it's the fuel shutoff solenoid, water in the carb, valves out of adjustment, or what. Any suggestions?

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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 10:14 am

idk to me it looks like alot of fuel is in the carb when its cranking ,id take drain the tank along with carb bowl ,put fresh gas in is then try it did u check for fire? and again might be me but kinda sounds like it dont have much compression? i seen on youtube a gay had bad compression on his ohv and it ended up being the rocker came off and bent a push rod he replaced that and it was fixed. good luck
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Age : 47
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PostSubject: Re: Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 10:23 am

gearheadmike wrote:
idk to me it looks like alot of fuel is in the carb when its cranking ,id take drain the tank along with carb bowl ,put fresh gas in is then try it did u check for fire? and again might be me but kinda sounds like it dont have much compression? i seen on youtube a gay had bad compression on his ohv and it ended up being the rocker came off and bent a push rod he replaced that and it was fixed. good luck

Thanks, it did backfire up through the carb once. I had also sprayed some WD40 into the carb before I shot that video because I didn't have any spare gas and I wanted to see if it would run off of priming.

I think I'm going to snag a set of feeler gauges today and check the rocker clearance. I'm still holding out hope that the carb is full of water.
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Age : 34
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PostSubject: Re: Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 2:23 pm

yea id do the basic stuff first fuel/check spark/and that stuff
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Age : 47
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Location : Columbus, Oh

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PostSubject: Re: Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 5:13 pm

Got it to start, thanks to everyone that read. I'll post the details in my build thread.
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PostSubject: No Start Help   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2012, 5:57 pm

just a little heads up on the wd40, they changed the formula about 10 years ago. I havent had much luck starting one on wd40 since then. If I done have either, I use carb cleaner.
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PostSubject: Re: Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor   Problems starting my 17 HP Briggs OHV motor Icon_minitime

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