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 Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton?

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Age : 38
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Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton?   Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2012, 1:39 am

Hey so I got a john Deere 100. It is the same as the 70 and 60 with the big peerless rearend in it. Now it does not have an engine in it. I do not want another 8hp briggs or a 6hp tecumseh. I have an 11hp Briggs off of the dynamark I plan on putting on there. What I was wondering is will this engine bolt right up? I am not going to be running a mower or blower on it so screw the clutch set up. I do plan on taking it and pulling a small cart with it.. Any Ideas would be great...

John deere 100 in the end of this video~
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Age : 38
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Location : NY

Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton?   Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2012, 12:42 pm

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Age : 47
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Location : Columbus, Oh

Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton?   Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2012, 3:55 pm

What engine did the tractor have originally? I bet that if it was a briggs, any similarly sized briggs will work. Same with Tecumseh. I think the brake for them was 3 - 11 HP, and then 11+. But some 11 HP Tecumseh's were really 13's that were just labeled because it was cheaper to use existing engine's.

Worst case, you could redrill the chassis to fit the bolt pattern of the donor engine. Just center the engine good so the pulley is in about the same spot.
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Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton?   Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton? Icon_minitime

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Can i swap engines on a John Deere 100 with a 11hp Briggs and Stratton?
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