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 10.5 brigs i/c

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richie thomas
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PostSubject: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 9:58 pm

has anyone here had any serious problems with this motor? i had a guy give a mower with a bad 15.5 on it but he also gave me this running 10.5 was wonderin if they were tough motors
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:12 pm

id say as long as it dont smoke or knock your good. ive had plenty of these engines naver had a prob other then dirty carbs. just keep oil in it and the govener hooked up seen tons of these motors where they took them off and ended up putting a hole in the block lol
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:17 pm

well lol it smokes a lil but thats couse the guy had way to much oil in it and i need to put a new head gasket on it lol but it surprised me its been sitting for over a year with out him touching it and all i had to do to crank it was put a lil gas in it and jump her off lol, im lucky tho cause the tank and carb were bone dry Razz
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:23 pm

best to put away dry lol and yea to much oil will do that,plus u have a i/c bore so you could allways hone/bore it and put new rings in it.
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:28 pm

just makin sure but wont having to much oil cause it to blow out the muffler? or is that a harder problem cause its blowing a lil bit of oil out with the smoke lol not alot but it worried me a lil
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:31 pm

has the motor sat on its side or facing any other way then what it would normally sit?

ive had motors left on the there side and that and the cyl fills up if not you might have weak rings if it doesnt clear up do a compression check on it. or just keep adding oil lol
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:39 pm

lol wasnt thinkin bout it but he said he had it tilted when he took and swapped the deck lol thanks for the help im gettin a new pulley for the rear tommorow but wont be able to put it on for a while ive got to work everyday for the next 2 weeks :/ i might take it to school and do it during shop tho lol
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 10:50 pm

thats prob whats doing lol
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2012, 7:11 pm

ok lol new problem it runs fine doesnt smoke or knock any more but afterit has ran for about 30 minutes it starts surging and shuts off. and it wont crank back up for a while, any one had this happen?
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2012, 8:19 pm

try new plug fresh gas and a carb cleaning it might just be dirty. is it getting overly hot ?
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2012, 8:20 pm

Sounds like either a carb issue or a spark issue - if its an older type , it could have points ( youd see a wire running under the flywheel by the magneto- NOT the stator wires tho) or could have a bad magneto.

Ive had both some with points and bad magnetos - the points i cleaned up and it ran for 30 minutes and quit when the contacts got too hot - replacement would fix that - or a points delete kit/mageto would fix that.

I had a bad mag on one tractor, even after cleaning the mag ends, magnet of the flywheel, resetting the gap , changing the plug and getting a decent shock , the tractor refused to start - i replaced the mag with another and it fired right up.
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeFebruary 21st 2012, 10:36 pm

lol thanks for the help yall ill try this the motor is a 2001, but now the starter is barely turning so i gotta fix that . it aint smoking any more, idk what the P.R. was thinkin lol, when i drained the oil it had the look and consitency of soda, not to mention it had over a liter in it lol
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richie thomas
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2012, 10:24 pm

traded this motor and another one for a 16 hp twin side shaft Smile what was wrong with it was the valves were all f*cked up and same with the other the guy wanted them for parts tho lol
and i was over there yesterday and he gave me a 18 brigs v-twin vertical shaft for helpin him disassembe a snapper lt1842
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PostSubject: Re: 10.5 brigs i/c   10.5 brigs i/c Icon_minitime

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