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 tracked lawnmower.

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PostSubject: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2012, 10:38 am

hi al Very Happy
im thinking about building a tracked lawnmower for afroading, fun, and doing stuff around the house.
im problably going to buy a Toro Wheel Horse 12-32. it has a 12 hp briggs,a 5 speed peerles i think and a 38 ich deck.

It will be lifted to clear the tracks. the tracks will be made out of chains with pieces of metal welded to it.

on each track i will put brakes so i can brake the side i want to go to.
but will it drive in a straight line with the open diff?

tell me what you think Very Happy


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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2012, 1:03 pm

The ones that I have seen do just fine, but the ones I am familiar with have heavy rearends from old cubs.
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2012, 7:56 pm

ive always toyed with the idea of doing this with a zeroturn or something
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2012, 7:07 pm

I had thought about snowmobile tracks once. There's a guy in youtube that made a half track out of two matched rear ends and old truck tires. IIRC, he had problems keeping the "tracks" on.
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2012, 9:51 pm

I think dagr8tim is talking about ShawnCFarm on youtube but I have thought of doing it alot until I look and all my snowmobiles are different rear suspension so then I go back to thinking of ATV tires because most ATVS have two of the same tires. I also thought of 4 hydraulic Motors and making Tracks like what are on ATVs and plumb the Hydraulics so when I want to turn one way the tracks spin a certain way and another for the tracts to spin another but the Tractor wouldn't go fast and it would be alot of money so I quit with that idea and went back to Tires, they seem like the simple idea.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2012, 1:34 am

i seen a video with a mini bike that had tracks from a snow mobile and a 5 sp peerless from a rear engene lawn mower it had a push mower motor and was cool
[quote]All was rember Nothin stops a kawasaki and save your confederate dollors cause the south will rise again
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 6th 2012, 11:25 pm

[quote="cumminsbayou"]i seen a video with a mini bike that had tracks from a snow mobile and a 5 sp peerless from a rear engene lawn mower it had a push mower motor and was cool
Quote :
All was rember Nothin stops a kawasaki and save your confederate dollors cause the south will rise again
Do you know where you found it and could you post a link, I would love to see it, I saw a Minibike with a track on the back but it was custom built(the track and didn't use a transmission)
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 7th 2012, 7:33 am

I have an old toro zero turn I'd like to add tracks to. It has dual hydrostatic transmissions. Seems pretty simple to do, but can't find any tracks cheap. The zero turn is already speed up decent.
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2012, 9:47 am

Stretch44875 wrote:
I have an old toro zero turn I'd like to add tracks to. It has dual hydrostatic transmissions. Seems pretty simple to do, but can't find any tracks cheap. The zero turn is already speed up decent.
That would be cool, I am planning on making a snowmobile out of a GT Racer If I can get the tracks, There's someone selling a tracked snowblower for a good price and I want to but the snowblower and put the tracks on the GT racer.
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2012, 10:57 am

The tracks that I have seen were made from belts off a round baler and flat steel grousers to keep them on the wheels. Simple to make and reasonably cheap to to do.
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2012, 11:26 pm

I think the best tracks to use for a lawn tractor would be ATv tracks or Snowblower tracks, This is the style im talking about(not the oval shaped)
tracked lawnmower. Tracked-snowblower-john-deere
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2012, 10:21 am

thta looks awsome if only you could mount those on a lawntractor
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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tracked lawnmower. Empty
PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2012, 5:42 pm

cumminsbayou wrote:
i seen a video with a mini bike that had tracks from a snow mobile and a 5 sp peerless from a rear engene lawn mower it had a push mower motor and was cool
Quote :
All was rember Nothin stops a kawasaki and save your confederate dollors cause the south will rise again
Do you know where you found it and could you post a link, I would love to see it, I saw a Minibike with a track on the back but it was custom built(the track and didn't use a transmission)
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2012, 4:55 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
cumminsbayou wrote:
i seen a video with a mini bike that had tracks from a snow mobile and a 5 sp peerless from a rear engene lawn mower it had a push mower motor and was cool
Quote :
All was rember Nothin stops a kawasaki and save your confederate dollors cause the south will rise again
Do you know where you found it and could you post a link, I would love to see it, I saw a Minibike with a track on the back but it was custom built(the track and didn't use a transmission)

I was looking online and saw that later on, When I was looking for ideas for those minibikes (in 2010) This was the only one I found:
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2012, 4:57 pm

DICE464 wrote:
thta looks awsome if only you could mount those on a lawntractor

They wouldn't be hard, Im pretty sure its just a sprocket that attaches on an axle(thats what mine are but its the oval style tracks) and the rest of the support is built inside the track and comes off in one peice when you take it off the snowblower.
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2012, 8:27 pm

W1ldyOvvnZ wrote:
DICE464 wrote:
thta looks awsome if only you could mount those on a lawntractor

They wouldn't be hard, Im pretty sure its just a sprocket that attaches on an axle(thats what mine are but its the oval style tracks) and the rest of the support is built inside the track and comes off in one peice when you take it off the snowblower.
yeah i know but i live in the south so i have never seen a snow blower around here id love to have one build one but i anit never gonna see one i bet they could go thur almost any thing my mini bikes cant mud bogg or if they went thur that dip he did in the video id have to stop get of and hold on and just alot of non scence stuff i bet with that transmsion and the tracks it could go off road like you know of the trails if you do it on a normal mini bike the clucth wont pull you and it will burn it up even with a tork converter they anit much beter maybe i could find some snow blower tracks on ebay well that will be a future project
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PostSubject: Re: tracked lawnmower.   tracked lawnmower. Icon_minitime

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