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 What'd you do today?

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Age : 48
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PostSubject: What'd you do today?   What'd you do today? Icon_minitimeApril 15th 2012, 8:33 pm

Now that it's nice and we can do more things. How about share what you did/worked on. Can be non tractor related.

I spent most of the day working on tractors and still didn't get my yard mowed. The LT1000's PTO clutch wouldn't engage the blades, so I dropped the deck. After making sure the brakes worked and greasing everything I put the deck on to discover about an inch and a half of deflection in the belt when the PTO is engaged.

I then tried to work on the Craftsman RER. I had broke the pulley on the deck in the fall of 2010 and never messed with it. I thought I could weld the pulley and the splined hub, but it didn't work. I ended up swapping the jack shaft assembly from the other RER, but need a shorter belt.

And to top it off, I got water in the carb of the push mower and didn't get the yard mowed.
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PostSubject: Re: What'd you do today?   What'd you do today? Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2012, 1:49 pm

On the racer side, I did some welding on my kids rear engine racer, installing new kingpins/spindles to correct the bad steering geometry. It was the first one to receive a custom front axle, and I needed to update it.

On the mower side, replaced blade adapters on the bolen 125st, and fixed a loose deck pulley. When I went to start it, I screwed up with too much choke and it backfired. After that, no compression. Many hours later chasing the wrong thing, I find out the head gasket is blown. Replaced that and had to bleed down the lifters so the valves would close all the way. It has a 12.5 OHV kohler, with hydraulic lifters. Back up and mowing.

Also new radiator and A/C condenser in the 97 monte carlo.
Replaced CV shafts in Mom's car.
Helped cut in a door on an ex-school bus.

This was over the weekend, had a little help here and there.
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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: What'd you do today?   What'd you do today? Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2012, 11:15 pm

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Age : 48
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Location : Columbus, Oh

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PostSubject: Re: What'd you do today?   What'd you do today? Icon_minitimeApril 20th 2012, 7:56 am

This was yesterday, but I stripped the seats out of my Jeep and installed a set of leather seats.

What'd you do today? 35903_10151540229790131_886005130_23795746_1093689877_n
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PostSubject: Re: What'd you do today?   What'd you do today? Icon_minitime

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