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 Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)

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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2010, 8:45 pm

hey, this is the other tractor i have. doesn't run but i think it is just electrical problems. i'd love to have this motor going, maybe put it on my craftsman. i don't plan on modding this one due to the fact it has too many bad factors for modding, it has the shift on the go vari drive crap, flimsy sheet metal frame(may be ok but IMO its not ok), and most of all has the stupid mtd bolt on rims and very short front spindles.
oh and the pics are fuzzy because it had just rained and its cloudy.

Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080010
as you can see someone has made their own hood mount, and left the vtwin's exhaust on when they swapped motors.
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080011
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080012
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080013
i may use this seat for my craftsman, its bigger and isn't all tore up
the pic makes it look dirty, i had some rims sitting on it so some rusty water got on it
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080014
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080015
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080016
this is the kohler on it. any good?
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080017
i've never had a mower with the spin on oil filter. lol
Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) 05080018
and this motor may never run due to the WAY too short exhaust the previous owner put on it.

well enough ranting on about it. i just thought i'd put up a thread for it before i started using it for parts. lol. and again sorry for all the pictures.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2010, 9:03 pm

alot of pics is good cause you get to see everything, dont worry Razz nice tractor too bad some dumb ass didnt no wat he was doing Razz
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2010, 9:09 pm

i'll probably just end up scrounging parts off it as i need them.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 4:24 am

Didnt know you got Kohler motors like th at on those cheapy MTDs.

And photos are great! Much better than large blocks of text. I think it would be worth getting that motor going.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 8:03 am

Far as i know, they only came with teccys and briggs motors- its probably a transplant engine off something else.

MTD's are built a lil cheep- but theyre great bases for modding- chassis can be welded and strengthened, other drivetrains put in it - sheet metal is sorta thin- plus the plastic grille - older MTDs were built extremely tough - but if the tractor was taken care of when it was new ( most of them arent) - theyll last a long time- my 92 white still runs awsome, has some surface rust in places but is free of rust holes- specially in the deck- thats 18 years old. I have a few late 90's MTDs that were in horrible shape because of neglect.

So im using the 03 bolens chassis for my wheelhorse- im welding on go kart spindles. welding up the chassis and totally modding it for a straight rear axle - should be a wicked machine when its done.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 8:41 am

An oil filter? Thats pretty cool, I would think that would help the oil life alot. It must have an oil pump in it somewhere.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeMay 9th 2010, 11:03 am

yes it was a transplant at one point. (had a 17.5 hp twin, wish it had that still)
i know briggs are reliable and work great and you can't go wrong with one but i've never heard any talk about kohlers. it'be neat to have it going, something different from the norm.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeAugust 21st 2010, 10:22 pm

that engine is ok but they make a lot of noise. mostly from the valves. nice mower.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2010, 5:27 pm

I'd still be happy with a Kohler, never owned one but those particular ones are meant to be well built! More than can be said about certain Briggs.
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Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2010, 10:15 pm

i love how everyone is interested in a motor i'll probably never use. lol. that mower is all grown in weeds now. haha
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PostSubject: Re: Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry)   Yardmachine (lots of pics, sorry) Icon_minitime

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