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 How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?

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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 4:30 pm

I am trying to fix up an old compact tractor to be a light cart puller and perhaps for some off-road stuff. I bought a John Deere 100 with small wheels, round fenders and cast iron cased transmission (Peerless?). The man I bought it from said I needed a pulley for the engine and a belt to complete the setup. Problem is, the vertical shaft mouints a horizontal pulley while the drive to the transmission seems to be vertical pulleys along the right side inner frame. Does the belt require a radical twist or have I a bigger problem ?
Here is the actual tractor, from a youtube post the former owner made:
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 4:57 pm

You saying the engine is a horizontal shaft? If so you'll need a right angle gearbox.

Example: (Tried to draw the best I could)

How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Right_10

Drive pulley runs to another pulley on the gear box, then another on the gear box comes out flat and runs straight back to your transaxle. The transaxle should have a name or model on it somewhere, but it might be a peerless for sure.

I hope that helps in some way.
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Hillbilly Homer
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 7:30 pm

Does the transmission look similar to this
How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Tran
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 8:31 pm

Sorry, I guess I didn't make it very clear. The engine is a vertical shaft engine, which automatically means the engine pulley runs horizontally..

The transmission is a full cast iron 3 speed. I'm not very good at photos and my PC, but I did find a pic at a website which I hope i managed to post below. Going rearwards past the engine all the pulleys are mounted vertically and the final pulley drives off the SIDE of the transmission. This photo claims this came off a Cub Cadet, but I have seen very similar trannys in Fords, Jakes, Wheel Horse and Minnie Moes.. All were back to the late 1960s and 1970s.. Hope the link works...
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 8:56 pm

I still think you'd need to run a right angle gear box to make the belt from flat to upright going from the engine to the tranny. Only way I can think of to be honest. Because there has to be a way to change it over and I don't know of another way to do that unless you have the right angle gear box. It's just a "L" shape gearbox (1 gear drive) with a pulley/shaft on each side.

Another picture showing how it transfers from the motor (belt runs horizontal), to the gearbox, then to the tranny (belt runs vertical):

How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Right_11

Now I could be wrong but thats the only way i know.

Maybe i'll help, Cody.
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 10:27 pm

The craftsman that I mow with (not sure of the model) twists both the drive belt and the deck belt (and both belts twist different ways) . With the correct position of pulleys and belt keepers you can make a belt go any direction/ angle. With that being an old j-deere you should be able to find some detailed drawing of how the belt setup should be, I'll ask this guy I know the next time I see him he might know or know where to find out how it should be done.
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 10:35 pm

Huh, never seen that Razz Figure i'd be kinda hard to keep the belt from twisting on yea, and the clutch working right lol!
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2012, 11:41 pm

Thanks guys;
If there is a right angle gear box, I didn't see it, but I'll look again. I'm looking forward to see if we can find a drawing or photo of the systyem as it should be. Even the appropriate page from an old parts book would help greatly..
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2012, 12:45 am

This might help some

The first drop box I think it says "tractors" you can click on 100 series and get some more info. I didn't see any diagrams but didn't look to hard too.
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2012, 6:49 pm

I have a Case mower with similar transmission. The motor is horizontal but the crank runs lenthwise with the tractor, so the belt runs down to 2 idler pulleys and then back to the trans in a vertical shaft style. The belt is twisted through 2 more pulleys to a jackshaft, that has another pulley and belt that drives the trans pulley. That belt is clutched. This sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is, and it does work well.
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2012, 9:27 pm

My old LawnFlite has a Vertical Shaft 16hp opposed Twin and the Transmission(a 4 speed oil filled cast iron). From the Engine there is a Jack shaft mounted horizontally far enough back that the belt from the engine can twist and wrap around the jackshaft pulley then from there there is your standard clutch for lawnmowers but turned 90degrees. I attached the only picture of the belts I have(you can see the jackshaft on the right and the transmission on the left then the idler pulley for the clutch in the middle.

How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? IMG_1297
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2012, 10:37 pm

Thanks guys The site Muddstir furnished allowed me to see the tractor was made in 1977. I think dked's Case is quite different, but the photo Wildy posted does look like the final drive on my JD..I guess now I have to look for a jack shaft.. Thanks again.. Steelbanger
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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?   How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100? Icon_minitime

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How do I set up the Pulleys and belts on a John Deere 100?
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