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 I'm back with a updated stable.

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Age : 50
Join date : 2010-04-09
Points : 5723
Posts : 267
Location : Little Rock Arkansas

I'm back with a updated stable. Empty
PostSubject: I'm back with a updated stable.   I'm back with a updated stable. Icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2012, 11:11 pm

well since i was last on here i made some changes to my tractors.
The 2 i still have is the 94 Craftsman LT 4000 and the 69 Cub Cadet 104.
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors138
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors73
Traded the second Murrat for a 2000 Murray Widebody LT.
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors93
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors70
then finally i purchased these two off of Craigslist for $100.00
A 1996 JD STX 38 (My daughters tractor)
And a 03 JD LT150 hydro ( My Mower)
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors74
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors78
I'm back with a updated stable. Mytractors72
And O'l Yeller well its scrapped. The MTD hooded craftsman.
I'm back with a updated stable. IMAG00034
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I'm back with a updated stable.
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