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 I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something

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Age : 60
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I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Empty
PostSubject: I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something   I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Icon_minitimeJuly 17th 2012, 11:32 am

I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something. If I ever find time.
I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Sunp0024
I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Sunp0025
I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Sunp0026
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I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something   I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2012, 6:49 pm

That top one is one ive never seen before - the simplicity - the front piece off the dynamark could be worth something.

I used to have a simplicity like the one behind the white one - PO redneck engineered it too badly, ended up using it for parts and junked the rest.

I just picked up a powerwheels escalade for $25 - seeing those RER's gave me an idea for modding it - id like to put a tractor drivetrain/motor in a steel chassis under it - i have a RER murray chassis hanging around , can see how that would fit under it.
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Age : 50
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I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something   I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2012, 2:06 am

That first one is so cool looking! its so weird that its cool!
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Age : 60
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Location : central Wisconsin

I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something   I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2012, 10:49 am

The one with the front end is a Dynamark, the Simplicity body is on it because the original Dynamark body was broken in half and the broken half was missing. I was thinking a bench seat and small dump box for it, but I have a bunch of other projects to get to first.
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I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something   I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something Icon_minitime

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I have a couple of tractors waiting to become something
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