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 How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?

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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2012, 4:27 pm

How do u grease a dana spicer transmission if there is no greasenipple on the tranny
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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2012, 5:08 pm

if theres no grease nipple you got to open the trans and put some in if i were you i would add a few grease nipples when you have it open
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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2012, 5:16 pm

greener179 wrote:
if theres no grease nipple you got to open the trans and put some in if i were you i would add a few grease nipples when you have it open

Indeed, but if your going to put grease nipples on, just drill the hole gently so you don't crack the casing.
If you don't know how to open the gearbox, check out this video by Fearlessfront.

This gearbox is a peerless but it's the same basic principle to open, grease and reseal it.
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Age : 26
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Location : Wirt County, West BygodVirginia

How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2012, 8:51 pm

Where do i put the grease nipples at
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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2012, 6:16 am

As an experement i put a few zerks in a mod MTD transaxle - i put mine where theyd be easy to grease - underneath near the axle ends and right by the main drive gear - they could be put pretty much anywhere except where itd interfere with anything inside - it just needs to be in the area, the grease will spread out.

I bot a box of grease fittings from harbor freight, a tap and die set and a good set of drill bits - you drill then tap the hole, then for added insurance i put a dab of locktite on the zerk to keep it in place.

If the tractor is trail ridden or mudded, id put them in an acessable spot , but pointing out the sides, so they wont be ripped off by debris.
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Age : 26
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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2012, 11:17 am

How much did it all cost?
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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 6:27 pm

Box of various sized zerks was like $5 - tap and die kit was like $15 - i used a step drill bit just a lil smaller then the zerk. All the stuff was at Harbor freight.
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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?   How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple? Icon_minitime

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How do you grease a transmission if there is no grease nipple?
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