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 Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?

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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 3:05 am

I have been looking at parts for pit bikes. They are inexpensive.This is a setup for an ATV , all 4 wheels only about $70.Something for a two wheeler is about half that.

Last edited by ncredleg on May 22nd 2010, 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 8:25 am

Good find! I was going to use the brakes off of a pocketbike, but they are mechanical... I like the hydraulic ones! I bet they work well, and they're cheap!
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 8:29 am

Im looking at mini moto brakes too. Cheapest way I can think of stopping. Really cant afford anything fanc. Wanting to spend maybe £20 total for a good setup
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Pocket-minimoto bikes.   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 9:50 am

Chunk wrote:
Im looking at mini moto brakes too. Cheapest way I can think of stopping. Really cant afford anything fanc. Wanting to spend maybe £20 total for a good setup

There are probably more options for you in Europe, for parts sources, with the vast numbers of the smaller bikes on the road over there. There may be salvage/junkyards that specialize in just that. I know we have places here just for the bigger bikes ,atvs and personal watercraft(PWC).
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Age : 59
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 10:19 am

Here is another link for an ATV set-up that has the rod for the brake pedal.A little more but, I have a young daughter and nieces and nephews who will be riding it .
Embarassed Oh, By the way this will be for my ATLT not my UTV that I am working on right now.
I am going to reuse the band brake on that cause it won`t be faster than stock, about 4.6 mph tops. Smile
They do make longer lines for the smaller brake set-ups. Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? 50010
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 22nd 2010, 10:59 am

Here is another link .I know that this is a hand brake but it should not be too hard to remove the lever and connect it to a rod and pedal. You would only have to figure out how to mount the cylinder to the frame and that should be easy to mount to a tube.[img]Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? 50cc_a10[/img]
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 28th 2010, 11:32 am

ncredleg wrote:
Here is another link .I know that this is a hand brake but it should not be too hard to remove the lever and connect it to a rod and pedal. You would only have to figure out how to mount the cylinder to the frame and that should be easy to mount to a tube.[img]Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? 50cc_a10[/img]

Im thinking il get these ones. they look pretty decent. Do they fit any disc brake?
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 28th 2010, 12:55 pm

There arent many scrapy yards locally to me anyway, and those that are only really deal in cars mostly. I'll just have to keep a look out everywhere. SHouldnt be hard to make a good setup for cheap!
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 28th 2010, 3:05 pm

arild365 wrote:
ncredleg wrote:
Here is another link .I know that this is a hand brake but it should not be too hard to remove the lever and connect it to a rod and pedal. You would only have to figure out how to mount the cylinder to the frame and that should be easy to mount to a tube.[img]Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? 50cc_a10[/img]

Im thinking il get these ones. they look pretty decent. Do they fit any disc brake?

That is complete minus the pads.They have those as well .You would need to get the rotor and mount it on the axle ,then mount the caliper to a bracket on the frame. You can use a rotor from a go-kart set-up or buy it from .
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Age : 59
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Here is another link for info on brake set-up. great pictures.   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitimeMay 28th 2010, 4:36 pm

ncredleg wrote:
arild365 wrote:
ncredleg wrote:
Here is another link .I know that this is a hand brake but it should not be too hard to remove the lever and connect it to a rod and pedal. You would only have to figure out how to mount the cylinder to the frame and that should be easy to mount to a tube.[img]Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? 50cc_a10[/img]

Im thinking il get these ones. they look pretty decent. Do they fit any disc brake?

That is complete minus the pads.They have those as well .You would need to get the rotor and mount it on the axle ,then mount the caliper to a bracket on the frame. You can use a rotor from a go-kart set-up or buy it from .
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Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor?   Will Hydraulic brakes from ATVs and pit bikes work on a tractor? Icon_minitime

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