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 Free Craftsman LT 1000 Hydrostatic

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Age : 27
Join date : 2012-08-04
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Location : New York, Amsterdam

Free Craftsman LT 1000 Hydrostatic Empty
PostSubject: Free Craftsman LT 1000 Hydrostatic   Free Craftsman LT 1000 Hydrostatic Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2012, 7:04 pm

My 29th lawn tractor! I got this tractor for free from a friend of mine who lives down the street. After this video I noticed the 18 hp Intek has a hole in the block and a part must of moved around in there because now the engine wont turn over. I also bought that 12 hp briggs and that is going to be this tractors new engine. Maybe there will be a tear down video of this engine soon!

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Free Craftsman LT 1000 Hydrostatic
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