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 What kind of Lunatic?

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PostSubject: What kind of Lunatic?   What kind of Lunatic? Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2012, 4:49 pm

Just finished untangling the company Christmas tree. I've never actually seen it up since I started here.

So several hours later, we have it all untangled and ready to be given away.

Heres the lunatic part.

There was 20 strings of lights on the tree. Each string of lights was 40 feet long and had 50 lights.

That totals 1000 Christmas Lights, and 800 feet of wiring. All on a 7 foot tree.

every single little branch on the tree had several wraps of lights on it.

Oh well, wasn't doing much else today

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Join date : 2012-06-10
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PostSubject: Re: What kind of Lunatic?   What kind of Lunatic? Icon_minitimeNovember 23rd 2012, 7:36 pm

lol nice 1000 lights on 1 tree, gotta try that. I tried pointing an old 500 watt theater spotlight on a tree once, the tree didn't like it much, started melting the tree and decorations Razz

One of these lights, It's a Strand Pattern 23 spotlight from the 1950's. Still got it and still sees service now and then.
What kind of Lunatic? 4533655889

Might be bit excessive but it looked cool.
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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: What kind of Lunatic?   What kind of Lunatic? Icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2012, 2:43 pm

CornishMorgan wrote:
lol nice 1000 lights on 1 tree, gotta try that. I tried pointing an old 500 watt theater spotlight on a tree once, the tree didn't like it much, started melting the tree and decorations Razz

One of these lights, It's a Strand Pattern 23 spotlight from the 1950's. Still got it and still sees service now and then.
What kind of Lunatic? 4533655889

Might be bit excessive but it looked cool.

Hehe, I work with theater spotlights all the time for my school except we have these.

What kind of Lunatic? LYC1293-LYC1293

3000 watt xenon
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Join date : 2012-06-10
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PostSubject: Re: What kind of Lunatic?   What kind of Lunatic? Icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2012, 4:49 pm

WellThatsSuprising wrote:

Hehe, I work with theater spotlights all the time for my school except we have these.

What kind of Lunatic? LYC1293-LYC1293

3000 watt xenon

lol yeah I've use one of those before apart from the one I used had a 2000 watt hot re-strike discharge lamp and mounted to one of those truss seats suspended from from a truss 150 foot up and not on a tri-strand like most follow spots. Not my personal choice in follow spot but they are still great fixtures.
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PostSubject: Re: What kind of Lunatic?   What kind of Lunatic? Icon_minitime

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