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 'Opps' Mini Outtake

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PostSubject: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 14th 2012, 3:19 pm

A mini outtake of my tractor trying to be a tri-pod...Unsuccessfully.

Remember to Rate, Comment and Subscribe to my youtube channel Very Happy

Last edited by CornishMorgan on January 2nd 2013, 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Classic FAIL..LOL!   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 14th 2012, 9:12 pm

Oh did that happen? too least you weren't going really fast! or on pavement..

Take care!
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Tractor Man Jeff
Tractor Man Jeff

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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 14th 2012, 10:22 pm

Yeah. Could have dug into the ground and flung the whole tractor around, flinging you out to who knows where. Did the snap ring make it's way off?
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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2012, 9:26 am

Yeah the little E clip fell off somewhere in this video. I am glad I was only going like 3 mph when it came off and not doing 10 mph on tarmac. The spindle did dig in about 3 inch but luckily it didn't throw me off.

Now i know why you guys drill and tap the spindle and put a bolt in it. Laughing
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Craftsman Dude
Craftsman Dude

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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2012, 8:15 pm

That happen to me once but i was goin about 10 mph best brakes my tractor ever had lol .
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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2012, 11:46 am

LOL! Love these kind of vids... reminds me of the one of me breaking mine

Proud member of the Mower Cycle Gang... aka the "Mowrons!"

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Chaos Build

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Tractor Man Jeff
Tractor Man Jeff

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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2012, 10:21 pm

Though I don't have a video of it, I had a "Blooper" today that probably would have been very funny on video. I took the tractor for a spin this morning, forgetting I hadn't bolted the steering wheel on yet! affraid (You can imagine what happened next) Well, on the way back to the house, I tore after my bro who was on his bike. I was flying in 6th gear with half throttle through a wide trail, when I hit a bump, making me lean back a little and off went the steering wheel. Still at half throttle and 6th gear, It didn't hit my right away. When it did, the tractor was on its own and started turning, heading strait towards a tree! My first thought was to get the clutch and hit the "Brakes". Well, I got the clutch, but...... OOPS! I forgot I had NO BRAKES! (Stupid ME) Grasping the unattached steering wheel harder and harder, I couldn't think fast enough to simply slip the steering wheel back on, so I was carried away helplessly with a tree looming closer and closer. (Yes, I was in vain, steering the "In air" steering wheel) Well, I was hoping the the brush guard would strike the tree, but NO! It was the left wheel! The impact on the wheel sent my flying of the tractor to the left. So there I was on my back, amazingly with my foot still on the disengaged clutch pedal, and with the steering wheel STILL in my hands! My brother had seen my fly off and came running, yelling to me to see if I was fine. (That's what brothers are for Smile ) With a smile, I waved the steering wheel, still in my hands, into the air and both of us burst out in laughter. Amazingly, I wasn't hurt at all. It could have been worse. Needless to say, the steering wheel is bolted on TIGHT, and brakes are on my priority list.
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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2012, 5:05 pm

lol! lol! lol! oh that's so funny, The best crashes always happen when your not filming Rolling Eyes
Glad your OK, that could have been nasty.
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Tractor Man Jeff
Tractor Man Jeff

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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2012, 9:31 pm

HAHA! Yeah. Too bad It wasn't on video, or I'd be laughing my butt off. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 23rd 2012, 10:11 pm

CornishMorgan wrote:
lol! lol! lol! oh that's so funny, The best crashes always happen when your not filming Rolling Eyes
Glad your OK, that could have been nasty.
I saw your romp in the dark. Looks soggy over in the UK
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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2012, 3:08 pm

Yeah it's very wet here. We've have weather front after weather front dumping LOADS of rain over the hole of the UK. There's been wide spend flooding.
But on the good side, it means there is plenty of soft mud to play in Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: 'Opps' Mini Outtake   'Opps' Mini Outtake Icon_minitime

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