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 Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project

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Age : 28
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Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Empty
PostSubject: Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project   Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Icon_minitimeDecember 14th 2012, 11:29 pm

Just as I started working on the Toro again then I buy a Car...So the Toro is going to hold off for a while, at least until I get the Volkswagen Jetta on the Road, I bought it from my Brothers Friends Friend(I saw the ad on Kijiji and it worked out that way). He had a couple other Volkswagen's over the years of owning them and saved some parts and scrapped the others and he is including all the parts he kept for the MK2's, his friends said I could pretty much build a car with the parts. It needs 3 Glow Plugs(I am just going to get 4 new ones), and there is a coolant leak, a T fitting rotted out so I am going to go to NAPA or online and get a stainless fitting, there is also a couple holes in the floor, one was patched with self tappers and silicone so I am going to remove it, pull up the carpet and weld it all back then ill paint it and prime it from the bottom and top. The Rockets have covers on them but I pulled them back and they arent rotten but the paint and covers are faded. The gas door is rotted out, again I will look at NAPA or online and get a gas door patch panel(its not the actual door its the spot around it, its common on those cars). The good things were that the timing belt was done 40,000km ago, it only has 360,000km on the body and engine, and I like this body style the most out of all of the body styles VW made for the jettas.

The Volkswagen Turbo Diesel is pretty much my affordable dream car(I love diesels and love to save money) and I thought I got a good deal since there is another one with all the work done to it for $3,500(expensive but the only other MK2 Jetta in my area). I will probably post some pictures of it from the ad then when I pick it up which should be this Saturday or Sunday then I will take a couple more pictures and show the cancer plus the VW Parts pile.

Last edited by W1ldyOvvnZ on December 16th 2012, 11:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Age : 28
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Location : Winchester, ON, Canada

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project   Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Icon_minitimeDecember 14th 2012, 11:47 pm

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project KGrHqFi0FDBZSIucBQymthkZ7Q48_20
This is the First Picture, I really hate where the Block heater cord is in this picture but the rest of the vehicle looks nice from here(you can just notice the Rust, he tried bondo but that never works).

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project T2eC16NHJHYE9nzpcwejBQymtj1OF48_20
Here is the second, first thing I noticed was the dent in the front of the fender, he has a replacement one(not colour matched), I would either pull that dent out and paint it or put the other fender on and paint it, I am leading towards fixing the old one because I can just blend the paint and I still have a spare.

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project KGrHqNHJEgFCjbgf1pBQymtmnGJQ48_20
The First thing I noticed in this Picture was the Fart can, yeah it has one but it doesn't sound like a Ricer, its a Diesel, My Brother says it sounds like a rocket ship. They came without a Cat on these but had a resonator (was cut off) and a muffler (was also cut off and replaced with the fart can). I want to either keep it like that if it will pass a safety or convert back to stock.

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project T2eC16JHJGIE9nnWpiQHBQymtpNQ48_20
A Picture of the interior, he has an aftermarket deck in it, I want to put the original back in because that is sticking out 2" and the aftermarket deck looks like a cheap one(no display). The Back seats in the car are out of a 1998 Jetta and he has the seats for the front but he likes the 1991 seats more.

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project T2eC16ZHJHgE9n0yG-pjBQymtuD58g48_20
The Dash, pretty much nothing to day, I remember being told to look out for the km's because they roll over at 400,000 or something(dont remember who told me). I was also wondering if he used a cluster from another car of his but the body and engine seem to be about the same as the cluster says since its over 21 years old(I think it was made in the late 1990's).

Anyway, I cant wait until I get it home, I seem to like fixing and repairing things more then modding and making things. I am going to pull are enclosed snowmobile trailer down and park it outside the garage area so I can start working on the car in there since its getting a little chilly here and the garage doesn't have enough room. Looking forward to working on it. If I cant get any of the parts I need from NAPA I will probably look on rockauto for parts first(really cheap if you willing to wait for parts) then ebay incase anyone is wondering where I am going to be looking.
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PostSubject: Re: Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project   Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Icon_minitimeDecember 19th 2012, 12:30 am

Hard to tell about the milage- the real way ( unless theyve been changed ) is the wear on the interior parts, like seatbelts, and pedals - I know down here in the states its illegal to change/mess with the odometer ( they keep track of it in inspections).

Diesels last a long time , parents used to have a '88 olds with a targetmaster 350 diesel in it - ran really good till it blew a headgasket - i know it had well over 100,000 miles on it when we sold it.
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Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project   Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Icon_minitimeDecember 19th 2012, 10:45 am

The odometer most likely has been changed, it was a gas when they bought it and had 350KM in 2008 and its been on the road since, now the odometer says 360KM and it is a diesel odometer plus the ownership said gas so there is a key point(I changed it over to diesel when i put it in my name so I can pass an E-Test). I know there arent any rips in the seat, the pedals aren't worn down, and the seat-belts are all good.
I asked my brothers friend to ask the guy I bought it from next time he sees him(hes going this weekend) how many KM's were on the car had when he did the swap and how many KMs were on the Engine that he swapped into it. But the only reason I bought it was because its a diesel(I don't plan on selling the car soon, ill swap it into another car if its still good), my brothers old cummins had 800,000km and the body and the motor had 500,000km on it when they swapped it and the odometer stopped working.
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Age : 28
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Location : Winchester, ON, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project   Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Icon_minitimeDecember 19th 2012, 11:01 am

Here are some Pictures of the Car from the last two nights(It may look ugly but its not hard to fix with a welder).

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project PIC_0185
Here is the Interior and the "New"(removed from a junk car) Windshield, while it was out I cleaned it out I cleaned all the carpets, etc. I am going to clean the back seats(MK3 Rear Seats) and transfer the cushion and fabric over from the MK3 seats I got, It is possible, here is the guide I am going to follow: Click Here.

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project PIC_0195
Here is the biggest hole of the entire car, looks bad but its easy to fix.

Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project PIC_0199
Here are the Patch panels I am going to use, I made them last night at my work, I went overboard and used 11 gauge but If it rots again I think it will rot out around the patch before it rots out the patch.
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PostSubject: Re: Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project   Volkswagen Jetta A2/MK2 Turbo Diesel Project Icon_minitime

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