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 Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer

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PostSubject: Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer   Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer Icon_minitimeSat May 29, 2010 10:39 pm

Now i would like to know if anyone has seen or used one of the ryobi 4 cycle trimmers and give me their opinion on them. I've seen a lot of negative reviews that all say the same thing, oil spewing everywhere, well a lot of the positive comments say that there is two bottle of oil that come with the thing and people are adding both, but only suppose to add one. I have never had a 4 cycle trimmer but my dad had one but it was a troy-bilt and it sounded pretty good and ran well too. I have used a lot of ryobi stuff and so far Ive been not let down by their stuff. so im just trying to get more and more opinions and info on the ryobi 4 cycle trimmer.
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PostSubject: Re: Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer   Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 4:57 am

I cant really advise you man, sorry. But I do love these tiny 4 stroke engines they're starting to use on strimmers and blowers. Sound awesome.
You probably should be okay with it, but dont take my word lol.
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Ryobi 4 cycle trimmer
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