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 So I'm standing here.

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So I'm standing here. Empty
PostSubject: So I'm standing here.   So I'm standing here. Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2013, 10:33 pm

Looking around my garage/shop/barn/hangout.

I notice, a pulley I picked up several years ago, I'd pretty much forgotten about it. It was on a shelf under my bench

So I took a little look at some of the other stuff, i'd put on that shelf and almost forgotten about.

Top shelf tally is as follows.

Dell 230 watt AT power supplyfor a pentium 2

1 x 11" cast iron spoke pulley, with a swappable taperd bore. Current hub size 5/8" bore.

got it of a scrap 40hp air compressor, probably 15 years ago.

10" pulley 5/8" bore, satmped steel, i forget where I got i
Collection of tapered bearings, with races, from 1" to 4" bore size.

Battery warmer, small 1/2 inch bore pulleys,alternator fan, handlebars for an exersize bike. .....

Theres just too much to mention. And thats only the top shelf

I need to have a garage sale for tinkerers, and scrap what I can't sell.

Last edited by Chopperhed on February 8th 2013, 10:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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So I'm standing here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I'm standing here.   So I'm standing here. Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2013, 10:33 pm

Oh and I just found a chain saw engine modified with a pulley drive, I was going to use it in a small river boat years ago. forgot about it.
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PostSubject: Re: So I'm standing here.   So I'm standing here. Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2013, 10:56 pm

We had a yard sale a few months ago - i put a bunch of stuff out, including a set of atv wheels, a small 3HP motor that didnt run, a crappy rusty yard trailer and two mountain bikes .

Bikes i had for $10 each - they literally flew out of there ( knew shoulda had more $ on them) - trailer sold for $15, motor sold for $5 , even had some free stuff that went - i put $20 on the ATV wheels ( for all 4) - two had new tread and screwed up rims , two were worn, the worn tread ones had decent rims - had one offer for $10 on them - i sed " Nope - $20 is it, and thats dirt cheep specially since those new like tires go for $70 or so."

Guy sed he might come over later that day and i said " theyll be $60 for all 4 then".

Ill keep em till our next sale or put em on something by then - debating about putting more tractor stuff out next time. Last time i gave up some stuff i ended up needing it....

Stuff i thought wouldnt sell, sold, stuff i thought would sell didnt. We made $300 tho for the one day we had the sale.

Key is to advertise early what you have for sale, and pre mark everything before the sale - i managed to get these large self standing signs from work free, i spray painted 'yard sale' on it - one on each end of the connecting street and end of our street.
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PostSubject: Re: So I'm standing here.   So I'm standing here. Icon_minitime

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