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 briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)

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PostSubject: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 6:13 pm

well im kind of confused on why this is like that see video to see what I mean.

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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 7:22 pm

Obviously something is different between the cylinders.

Valve lash is a good guess, I'd check compression next. 1 might have a bad ring,
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 7:50 pm

Chopperhed wrote:
Obviously something is different between the cylinders.

Valve lash is a good guess, I'd check compression next. 1 might have a bad ring,

just checkt the valve lash. I just got to check the compression it seems very good nut still. also I doubt its bad because that cylinder doesn't smoke of any sort from what I see.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 8:00 pm

It could be something as simple as uneven mixture distribution in the intake manifold. or carbon build up in the ports
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 9:05 pm

Chopperhed wrote:
It could be something as simple as uneven mixture distribution in the intake manifold. or carbon build up in the ports
that sounds like it might be it the carby isent the best
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2013, 9:23 pm

Got to keep the fuel system clean, and stabilize your fuel before storage. Fuel starts to break down after 6 weeks
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2013, 2:20 pm

Chopperhed wrote:
Got to keep the fuel system clean, and stabilize your fuel before storage. Fuel starts to break down after 6 weeks

yup I keep the system clean. fuel is old I know its bad but I run it every other day. fixing to run it dry to put fresh gas in the should clean it up. also don't really have the money to get stablelizers price of gas is bad enough
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2013, 2:34 pm

lawnguy17 wrote:
Chopperhed wrote:
Got to keep the fuel system clean, and stabilize your fuel before storage. Fuel starts to break down after 6 weeks

yup I keep the system clean. fuel is old I know its bad but I run it every other day. fixing to run it dry to put fresh gas in the should clean it up. also don't really have the money to get stablelizers price of gas is bad enough

I used 1 bottle to stabilize everything I owned, which is 11 units. One bottle has lasted me three years. Way cheaper than having to buy new fuel.
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2013, 4:37 pm

Chopperhed wrote:
lawnguy17 wrote:
Chopperhed wrote:
Got to keep the fuel system clean, and stabilize your fuel before storage. Fuel starts to break down after 6 weeks

yup I keep the system clean. fuel is old I know its bad but I run it every other day. fixing to run it dry to put fresh gas in the should clean it up. also don't really have the money to get stablelizers price of gas is bad enough

I used 1 bottle to stabilize everything I owned, which is 11 units. One bottle has lasted me three years. Way cheaper than having to buy new fuel.

yea true it is besides the tank is basically empty like a 1cm high that's why im just ghona run it out
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PostSubject: Re: briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused)   briggs and stratton v-twin spark plug (confused) Icon_minitime

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