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 16hp opposed twin smoke

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PostSubject: 16hp opposed twin smoke   16hp opposed twin smoke Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2013, 11:04 pm

today i went and started my racing mower and after running it for a couple minutes i got off the seat and it died, which is normal but i left the key on and acople minutes later there was smoke coming from under my flywheele, and the 25amp fuse blew. every time i put a fuse in it blows. so i onhooked the stattor and then put a fuse in and it was fine. i checked the stattor output and i go 4volts then9 then 18, then none?
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Age : 58
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Location : Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Eh!

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PostSubject: Re: 16hp opposed twin smoke   16hp opposed twin smoke Icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2013, 11:21 pm

You let the magic smoke out.

I'm guessing some thing crispy fried under the fly wheel, likely the stator.
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16hp opposed twin smoke
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