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 best looking rear engine lawn mower?

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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 27
Join date : 2011-11-04
Points : 5043
Posts : 232
Location : fairhope Al.

best looking rear engine lawn mower?  Empty
PostSubject: best looking rear engine lawn mower?    best looking rear engine lawn mower?  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 1:11 am

I don't know if you guys have seen my rear engine rider. The peerless went out in it last fall and is currently sitting in my yard just a frame. If any one has had one of these lawn mower you would know the wheels in the front are like 9in tall and the rears are like 15 or 16in. Well i first had to put some bigger tires in the rear on it because the front had a metric spindles i couldn't put my rear tires in the front. The back tires came from my lt1000 they are 19in tall it did ok with them with no locker. After that came a gas peddle and some other mods i did. after a while i got tired of it looking so dumb so i got a front off a full size lawn mower and made it work on this one which made it level and look awesome. After that came a 6in front pulley and it went ok with it like 12mph id say and it did awesome in mud but after that the transmission went out. If you have a transmission for one let me know. I really think a rear engine lawn mower is the best looking, and they best to use off road. One if you are tall you can fit in one, 2nd all the weight is on the rear end. This might sound like it may flip but i never flipped mine on a obstacle of hill. Any way here it is

my starting
best looking rear engine lawn mower?  Stinson2133
best looking rear engine lawn mower?  Stinson2176

and here was the last of it right after one of the last romps it went on
best looking rear engine lawn mower?  Murray_zps7e4d0066
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best looking rear engine lawn mower?
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