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 101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).

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101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Empty
PostSubject: 101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).   101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Icon_minitimeMarch 18th 2013, 5:29 pm

Its very easy explained in this video.

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101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Empty
PostSubject: Re: 101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).   101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2013, 12:42 pm

Nicked these pics from an RC Car page, since it's very good explained, tho I forgot what page it was, its left for dead now, but if i find it, I'll give credit. Found it:

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Ackerman_princ_zps41bb4ef3

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Steering_ARMS_zpsaf61a0fe

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). EasyCaster_zpsb5da6662

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). WhatdoesCaster_zpsafae2cc4

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). CASTER_zps38a8da6d

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Casterstableunstable_zps95e69580

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Casterstableunstable_zps95e69580

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). TomuchCaster_zpsa6296477

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). CastervsCamber_zpsbc6e8a5a

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). WhatisCamber_zps96c1b040

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Whatistoeinout_zps470c62e3

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Steering_ARMS_zpsaf61a0fe

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Ackerman_princ_zps41bb4ef3

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Less_ackerman_zps4d309cec

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). More_acker_zps55682899

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). True_Acker_zps325f45c1

These are hosted on my photbucket, was meaning to post these awhile back Laughing 
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Doc Sprocket
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101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Empty
PostSubject: Re: 101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).   101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2013, 1:44 pm

There is some good info in there. Thank you for posting.
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101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Empty
PostSubject: Re: 101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).   101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Icon_minitimeJanuary 21st 2014, 5:58 am

The well misleading term Ackerman, Usually you put the 15* degrees out on by the spindel's, but you can also have the steering arm on the spindel's straight or at 90* and do the 15* ackerman at the centered hub, see picture:

101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). 201401211146_zpscf808933

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101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Empty
PostSubject: Re: 101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).   101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video). Icon_minitime

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101 on Steering! Caster - Camber - Toe and KIP and what it does. (Old Video).
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