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 Sarge's first romp after jb weld fix

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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

Age : 28
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Location : Haddock,Georgia

Sarge's first romp after jb weld fix Empty
PostSubject: Sarge's first romp after jb weld fix   Sarge's first romp after jb weld fix Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2013, 4:17 pm

well i got some fuel for sarge and he gets abused really good on the trails from running over trees to climbing small hills and jumping a small hill also itake him up my drive way and go throu a ditch thats 1foot 7" deep Very Happy top speed of sarge is 20-25mph so i fly throu my trails and you get to see the redneck tree house after 2 years worked so hard on it and to have a few trees fall on it sucked Sad anywho heres the videos and im sorry that they are shaky i have plans on buying a gopro soon

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Sarge's first romp after jb weld fix
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