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 making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential

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making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Empty
PostSubject: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 16th 2010, 11:23 pm

i would like to know how to lock the rear differential on my tractor it would be a great help thanks
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making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Empty
PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2010, 6:09 am

Most people weld them- however it needs to be really clean or the welds will fail- most racers that use locked transmissions actually add an extra set of spider gears bolted in . The absolute best way is to run at least a 1" straight axle.

Keep in mind locking the differential action will make it really hard to turn corners tho.
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making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Empty
PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2010, 8:03 am

Yup, dangerous toys summed it up in a oner. Most people weld up the spider gears in the rear end so they cant move indepentantly.
I didnt wanna do that to mine, but ended up with a spare tranny, so I have an extra two spider gears to play with now. That way I can lock and, and go back if I need to.

What kind of tranny are you running?
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2010, 9:11 pm

a tucumsa like fearlessfront
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2010, 10:45 pm

I wouldnt just cause I find its better non-locked unless your gonna race and stuff. My tranny is free(not locked) and ive never had problems.
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 17th 2010, 10:57 pm

thanks for all of the info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2010, 6:08 am

rave_mowers wrote:
thanks for all of the info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very Happy

No problem, the peerless trannys are good. Know what model it is?

As for the argument as to lock it or not, at of the day its personal preference. Some people love them locked, some people struggle with them in tight areas of trails and stuff. That's why it's best not to weld her.
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2010, 7:34 am

Yeah - its a matter of preference i guess- a couple new mods im making will have straight axles , so ill find out how they work- i chose them over a differential because i wanted to dump alot of power n speed into it.

My sorta current mudder is a well used 80's agway all stock - i changed the front wheels to a treaded tire ( originals were the flat type) for more turning grip, removed the deck and went mudding in the swamp behind the folks house - surprisingly it does a really good job, even with a 3speed trans and unlocked trans, only time i really got stuck was when i chewed up the mud to make it really thick - i doubt even chains or AG tires would help then.
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2010, 9:56 am

Hey i got a question about the trans. Ive had it for well over 3 years and never thought about oil/liquid in the tranny. Ive been gettin comments on youtube saying i should put some in. My question is what should i put in, if i need to put anything in and how?
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2010, 12:27 pm

If you're running above stock speed, which you are, the stock grease in the tranny will be flung off the gears, so there is nothing lubricating them. It'll start whining pretty bad, and could blow. You just want to get yourself some heavy weight gear oil and will the case at about half way. If you really wanna go all out, drill and tap yourself a proper fill hole, and drain plug. Some racers also put in breathers, althought I dont think that's essential. There's a good chance the oil may leak from the seals, that's normal too, just keep it topped up. Only other thing I'll mention is that you should try to keep your input shaft well lubed. Maybe fit a grease fitting if you know how.

Alot of people mod their pulley and forgot about the tranny. They're only supposed to do about 5mph, anything more will kill them. It's pretty easy to do, and will keep your tranny lasting alot longer.

Hope that's what youre after man.
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2010, 6:41 pm

someone should engineer a selectable locker, like an arb or an eaton e-locker or something. Then you'd have the best of both worlds!
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2010, 6:55 pm

Interesting Fearlessfront: Id say the only real way would be run a actual car differential way shortened - i dont think theres enough room to mount to mount some sort of air locker in a lawntractor trans .

Grease in a lawntractor trans- i agree with CSAKvids- stock grease wont cut it ( first hand experience trashing a stock trans)- i think theres some sort of oil seals you can get for a lawntractor trans- not sure what itd be , might need to do a lil machining as well to make em fit ( match one up at autoparts?)- use an oil resistant RTV ( keep it away from the inside)- fill the trans 1/2 full- heaviest gear oil y can find ( i used lucas oil additive actually). Another trick ive seen is to drill n tap holes in the axle tubes to pump some heavy grease in there as well with 90 degree grease zerks.

Any way to keep grease/oil in there will keep it together longer.
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2010, 7:00 pm

FearlessFront,That's a great idea.
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PostSubject: Re: making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential   making the rearend posi/lock the rear differential Icon_minitime

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