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 Foote transaxles.

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Foote transaxles. Empty
PostSubject: Foote transaxles.   Foote transaxles. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 12:01 pm

So I have 2 Foote transaxles, 4 and 5 speed. I am told I can get 15-20mph out of em....
Ill be using one on my craftsman build... but the other came from a lawnchief... I had thought about building a "racing" one just to fool around with.

How much speed could I get out of one before it blows? 30? 35? 99.98?!?! Shocked
What kind of modifications/maintenance can help prolong its usefulness? That can easily be done anyways...

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Foote transaxles. Empty
PostSubject: Helllo   Foote transaxles. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 12:30 pm

I have one and it is a 4 speed, it has no shifter balls so it doesn't work, but i'll just use bb's. and it will work.
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PostSubject: lol   Foote transaxles. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 12:33 pm

I gave you that Foote MurrayMayhem because I broke it
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Murray modder
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Foote transaxles. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foote transaxles.   Foote transaxles. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2013 6:23 pm

TheBeal wrote:
So I have 2 Foote transaxles, 4 and 5 speed. I am told I can get 15-20mph out of em....
Ill be using one on my craftsman build... but the other came from a lawnchief... I had thought about building a "racing" one just to fool around with.

How much speed could I get out of one before it blows? 30? 35? 99.98?!?! Shocked
What kind of modifications/maintenance can help prolong its usefulness? That can easily be done anyways...


Oil fill it if its not already. I actually used Manual transmission fluid for my peerless, hasn't wined or anything yet. Mine ran about 20 or so, going much faster than that got scary. Any sort of real racing mower needs a direct steering setup if it was up to me. They'd need a new steering geometry as well, these things are made to have a tight turn radius at slow speeds, but when going 20 MPH, your going way faster than originally planed, so the front tires end up skidding, and you ant turn to well.
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PostSubject: Re: Foote transaxles.   Foote transaxles. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 13, 2013 11:37 am

Oh yeah, Id certainly make the steering much better.
I just want to know how much speed I can get out of the transaxle. If I can only get about 20 or so I could live with that and make another mudder type.
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PostSubject: Re: Foote transaxles.   Foote transaxles. Icon_minitime

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