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 my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter

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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2010, 9:31 pm

my honda is really heavy n i wanna make it lighter but i use it to mow so i need the deck most of the time ne ideas?
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 6:31 am

UNless you strip all the bodywork off, not really. The deck is the main thing to ditch when you want to save weight.
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 10:32 am

if i were you id just go and find a cheap lawn tractor like a craftsman and just use the honda fer a mower and craftsman as a mudder/beater tractor:P
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 12:05 pm

ya i guess that could work
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 4:43 pm

I agree- save the honda for mowing ( its too nice) and buy a beater tractor to mod.

If you need more traction with the honda- invest in chains or a set of AG tires .
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 5:10 pm

arild365 wrote:
if i were you id just go and find a cheap lawn tractor like a craftsman and just use the honda fer a mower and craftsman as a mudder/beater tractor:P

Agreed! Use the honda as a recovery tractor. It's more fun to beat something you dont really care about. U can go more places.. lol
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 10:13 pm

ya the honda would make a kickass recovery tractor itll pull my 89 chevy outta the mudd
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2010, 6:48 am

SHouldnt be hard to come across an alright, cheap lawn tractor. Make sure its a manual and nota hydro though
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2010, 2:32 pm

ya i hate hydros ne ways
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2010, 5:49 pm

I like my 99 murray hydro - its different - sometime im going to use one of my spare decks and get that thing mowing , i suppose if it didnt, id be modding that thing out because of the c channel frame it has.
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2010, 6:06 pm

I like my 97/98 murray auto also, as a mower. It's nice not to have to shift from forward to reverse in the tight spots of my yard. Would never want one to mod for anything else though I don't think.
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2010, 7:48 am

Well, id slap a manual trans on it IF it was ever modded- id save the hydro for another tractor. The motor would stay- a 17HP opposed twin Very Happy
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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Empty
PostSubject: Re: my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter   my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter Icon_minitime

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my honda is really heavy n its bad in mud any ideas to make it lighter
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