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 Off-roading pics new and old

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Ford Boi
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2010, 3:28 pm

Well I figure I might as well start a thread for off-road pics. Here's a few of my latest Rally project, I'll dig up some older photos of other mowers soon, and also have some fresh new action pics!!

These pics are of my buddy testing it out for his first time, the last pic is me. I know, no helmet.. Believe me, I don't even touch my racer without a helmet but this thing is barely faster than stock. From now on tho I wear helmet, just to be safe. This thing crawls over rocks, stumps, rock walls....Its so much fun!

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2010, 5:25 pm

Cool pics- i was impressed with my 80's agway - being stock, stock rear tires ( i put turf tires on the front in place of the original ribbed types)- 10HP, 3 speed - thing would move over branches and small trees with ease- would go thru water and most mud easily as well- only time i had a problem is when the mud was super thick- thing would barely dig in. Id planned on someday getting a couple AG tires for 8" rims- theyre like $45 each tho.

Im setting the agway aside for a future 4x4 GT6000 craftsman project- first i have a handful of others , like a 5HP honda powered MTD wizard 'go kart', 2 mod MTD's and eventually a super mod rat rod wheelhorse, and rebuilding a couple stockers as well.....
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2010, 5:32 pm

Like the first picture alot Cool

And I thought I recognised you. I subbed to your budds channel a while back. Love the stuff you do. Keep the pics coming buddy
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Ford Boi
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeAugust 23rd 2010, 10:03 pm

Chunk wrote:
Like the first picture alot Cool

And I thought I recognised you. I subbed to your budds channel a while back. Love the stuff you do. Keep the pics coming buddy

Awesome! Glad to know people enjoy our idiocy Razz You will be seeing a huge inflow of new footage soon, peelfest has hours to sort thru and edit. Also I will be posting lots of pics on here!
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeAugust 24th 2010, 4:19 pm

Here's a few old pics of some of my past machines.

This was the first mower I built, I was 16 I think. No idea what it was, all the labels were gone, but the engine was a white B$S 8 HP stamped '78. Had a 3 speed tranny in it, I put a 11 HP B&S in it after, went like hell about 65 kmh, I had chains for winter, steering stabilizers, was it ever fun and do I ever miss it. I ended up giving it away after it started to break down too much.

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Here's the second mower I built, an 87 Rally with an 8HP B&S that got swapped out quickly to a 12.5 HP Tecumseh OHV, which ran with a starter bolt thru the cylinder wall for a YEAR
! Never knew until I burnt the con-rod out of her. Opened it up and put a new con-rod and ran it for a while still till it finally threw it out the block. Then came a 10 HP B&S and finally an 11HP B&S and now she is retired. She had probably 5 trannys in it, even a total frame swap! I won trophies with it and my buddy also won trophies with it on a different frame!!

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Me drifting on my small oval track before I had a clue how to drive lol

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This is my third and current racer, an 87 Yardman that had my 10 P B&S originally, which went into the Rally, and a nice 12.5 B&S I/C Gold went into the Yardman, port/polished heavily, no governor and new piston/rings, bulletproof motor, have raced it many times and used it hard around the yard ALOT and still has power and runs smooth.

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Here it is after a complete facelift and paint. It's no longer a Ferrari though, as the stickers faded terribly and I took them off. But it still is clean and works very well. Goes 50 kmh top speed.

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The powerhouse. 12.5 B&S I/C Gold. The motor is a 1991 out of a Craftsman LT II 4000 I believe.

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Some pics of mudding, NEVER taking this mower off-road again it's too hard on the light-duty gear. Reserved for racing only from now on lol.

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Here's my Yardman and Tyler's 88 Craftsman we just built, with all our winnings!!!

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My friend Jake years ago on his '74 Husky Pup lol that thing was an awesome rig had many good times with it!!!!

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And finally, my lawnmower . Replaced my red Rally as mower. My FREE Craftsman (for actual lawn-mowing) All I had to do to get it was deliver and set up a new mower, he gave me his old one as pay!!!! It's a 2000 model year. All I had to do was swap the deck and front axle off my old Rally. Otherwise the machine is mint.
It's never been outside for longer than mowing, the seat isn't even cracked. It's got a 13.5 B&S I/C Gold Craftsman, runs perfect.

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeAugust 24th 2010, 8:19 pm

Alot of cool pics you have there- all that mudding takes me back to when i lived up in NY- we had a large swamp behind the house - not until a few years ago did i actually venture in there with the agway, when i first started collecting i
d run my tractors thru the mud in the ditch by the road - good times.

Your mower- the 2000 craftsman- looks exactally like my 99 weedeater- cept the rear fenders are a tad more rounded on yours.
Heres mine years ago about a week after getting it :
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I used .99 cent paint on the whole thing- im surprised how well its held up.

It had been an ugly purple faded to pink when i got it:
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Its all finished and mows now.

Ive got a 5 HP 70 toro i originally mudded with- i would beat the snot out of that thing, it just kept running- i still have it- brot it south - im planning on redoing it to mow again.

I like that paint work you did on the wheels of the yardman- the silver ring and black centers- might just use that look on a couple mowers.
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2010, 10:54 pm

Here's a few new pics of me on the Rally. Found myself a sweet little playground in my woods, got an old stone wall and some junk to play around on.

Rock crawlin'
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Conquering that rock I couldn't get with my old tires.
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Got home after dark, got swamped in a hole for a good half hour. Not fun pushing and pulling that out, I was just as muddy as the mower.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 1:21 pm

lol i know very nearly how you feel dude!, spent 30minutes pulling it out of a river-flood plain which was flooded! lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 4:00 pm

Thats exactally why id wear crappy clothes and old work boots when i went out mudding - i knew i was gonna be all dirty and be almost knee deep in the mud by the days end.

Id just hose the clothes off at the end of the day, and leave em over the back porch railing for the next day....
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2010, 2:06 am

I have an EXTREMELY bad habit of offroading with good clothes and sneakers.... I really gotta teach my self to wear my boot and oil clothes more often haha.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2010, 5:21 am

Ford Boi wrote:
I have an EXTREMELY bad habit of offroading with good clothes and sneakers.... I really gotta teach my self to wear my boot and oil clothes more often haha.

ME TOO! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2010, 4:59 pm

Oooop! LOL! Yeah i just wear stuff id wear out to the shed or garage - actually still have my set of mudding clothes up home- maybe ill find another tractor.....

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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 3rd 2010, 10:53 pm

Dumb little vid of me whipping donuts on the Rally the other day lol... Turns up pretty good in 4th gear for a stock 12HP B&S turning 25x13" Tires!!! (Yes I was pulling on the governor to open her up haha)
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Ford Boi
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 12:55 am

Just a tease of rock crawling and junk climbing lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 4:29 am

That thing really does take a beating!
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 11:11 am

you do more damage to yours than i do to my rally!!!! i should get out and try and fix it up Razz
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Ford Boi
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 2:50 pm

Believe me this stuff so far is minor lol. With my beefy front axle and skid plates this thing really can pound some ground!
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 8:15 pm

Heres a pic of one of my first and best ATLT's.

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 8:40 pm

Hahaha nice one! Looks like my old Craftsman, missing front plastic from slamming foreign objects (trees, other mowers etc. lol.)
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Ford Boi
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 9:50 pm

Well I hope everyone likes donuts cuz.......

That was my buddy on my old Rally racer back in 2004, with the 12HP OHV Tecumseh in her, found some old videos so gotta post em up lol. That motor ran for 2 years with a starter bolt protruding into the cylinder, wearing a gouge in the bottom 1 inch of the piston almost through the skirt.... It finally seized the con-rod to the crank.... so I put a brand new con-rod in, polished the crank journal, and drove it for another 6 months, until it threw the con-rod through the block while running her wide open on a frozen lake. I say Teccys are junk, but....... That was a trooper!
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 11:06 pm

Ford Boi wrote:
Hahaha nice one! Looks like my old Craftsman, missing front plastic from slamming foreign objects (trees, other mowers etc. lol.)

Oh...yeahm she has been flipped at 30mph before rann into my ATV's crashed into trees ect ect! Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 7:25 pm

Another little video, me messing around on the rocks!
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Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2010, 2:02 am

Few pics of our wheelin' trip today. Next time we run these trails we gotta get some videos, talk about some nasty spots, but the Rally made it thru no problem!! only got stuck a couple times, not even bad tho. I can go anywhere the 4x4 300 Honda can go or the Bigred can go!
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2010, 3:59 am

Cool pics - i see you smashed the headlights out- LOL! I bet you got some weird looks at the store there.

At the barn- the blue tractor in the background is the flipper tractor?
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2010, 9:28 am

That thing looks rite at home in that mud! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Off-roading pics new and old   Off-roading pics new and old Icon_minitime

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