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 Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)

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3 posters
Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 1:06 am

Here's some pics of the 3 bikes that I have built, 2 collaborated with Peelfest 1 solo!

First bike we built, 1966 B&S 2 1/4 HP Power Trowel motor, centrifugal clutch, the 'Master Vibrator' (original name stamped on identification plate) goes 65 kmh on flat road, up to 77 on a bit of a hill !!! SUPER FUN so we decided to build a bigger badder one.
Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Attachment

Here's our second beast, 1980 B&S 5HP from a tiller, custom belt / clutch system to chain drive ( 7 reverse chains from blown mower trannys strung together, that I saved cuz I knew they would "come in handy " some day, and they did !!!) Goes 85 kmh on flat road and up to 95 on a bit of a hill !!!!!
Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Attachment

I can't find the pics of the 3rd bike I built.... It's a no-name brand Chinese knock-off 2 stroke that goes 50 kmh that I built and sold for a friend. He supplied the bike and motor, I just fabbed the gear.
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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 6:58 am

I dont see any pics ..... Shocked

Im curious to see just what the wizard will do with the 5HP honda on it - the toro boogies pretty good stock- so the wizard should as well....
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 11:31 am

Oops.... Let's try this.
Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Triump10
Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Ccm_no10
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 11:42 am

Oh yeah... btw, here's a couple videos for those who haven't seen.
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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 7:54 pm

How 90 kph of 60mph rite?

That thing is awesome! afro
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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 11:17 pm

Pretty cool setup- thing looks like itd fly with that big motor on it - id look for some wide bike tires , maybe make it a trike?

Speaking of wide bike tires- i used to have a bike when i was a kid that literally had a bike 'drag slick' on it - i dont think it was one of those rare schwinns tho ( no shifter) - the slick was like 2 or 3" wide on a same width rim - i never thought of motors on bikes back then- or id be in big trouble now....
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Ford Boi
Ford Boi

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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2010, 11:26 pm

Everyone who looks at these videos immediately thinks that these bikes are sketchy, but we have good road tires (1.95 or 2.15) and they handle super good, we can lean them till the foot pegs touch the pave and they stick like glue, they are so light .... It's such a blast to drive them!
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PostSubject: Re: Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles)   Motorbikes by ARC (Abrams River Cycles) Icon_minitime

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