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 Projects: so far...

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PostSubject: Projects: so far...   Projects: so far... Icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2010, 9:21 pm

Sorta put my mod projects aside for now- id like to get my mowing tractor projects finished- put em off way too long now.

85 craftsman LT11- deck needs rebuilding, motor and wiring put on - also nephew cut the deck engagement lever- need to sort that out also - will get new silver paint next year
Projects: so far... File0010

85 craftsman LT12 - need to build a whole new deck, pullies/belt sorted out ( clutch dosent work) - trans is also sticking a bit as well - getting some blue neon lights as well
Projects: so far... File0011

95 MTD lowes machine - rewire, rebuild deck - just doing a running resto for now
Projects: so far... 11812910

99 hydro murray- carb rebuild and set up new deck for it ( old pic too)
Projects: so far... 80798410

The 70 toro will wait a bit longer- that needs some sorting out to be returned to mowing duty

Mod projects:

wizard- go kart setup with 5HP honda/go kart clutch, lowered, running 6" rims- might end up with the 20HP onan ( if i can get running)
Projects: so far... File0012

96 MTD 3 speed 'varidrive" - needs motor, might need to change clutch setup
Projects: so far... File0013

91 mod MTD - waiting for 18.5HP twin transplant, stacked pulley built - might upgrade to 6 speed 'shift on the go' trans out of 94 murray eventually
Projects: so far... File0014

94 murray rebuild - will get 14.5HP motor, different clutch setup, front axle lowering , lower profile rear wheels
Projects: so far... 100_7110

agway - decided keeping as an offroader - will get 11HP briggs or 12HP teccy to abuse- if i get ags for back tires- the back tires will go on front- gas pedal setup.
Projects: so far... File0015

wheelhorse mod - put off for later date

IF i can get that scooter carb setup on the spare 18HP twin- that motor will go on the 91 MTD mod- and the 18.5 will go on the 88 kleen kut to get that mowing again - which has sat engine less for about a year now.

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PostSubject: Re: Projects: so far...   Projects: so far... Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 6:34 am

You have alot on your plate!
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PostSubject: Re: Projects: so far...   Projects: so far... Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 6:58 am

Yepper- why i havent had many updates - those are the priority projects- i still have others .....
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PostSubject: Re: Projects: so far...   Projects: so far... Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 8:40 pm

Bot my stuff for the RAGB cheers - now need time to build it.......also bot 2 new tire tubes for the wizard project ( now need tires for back rims) . also bot a bulk set of battery clamps ( car round terminal type) . I saw a special this week at northern tools- a 2000 lb winch for $100- they had a lighter winch for $70 . Almost bot one.

I plan on making a main base for the pillow blocks- slightly adjustable for proper gear meshing - i think i have enough tube for a frame to bolt metal to for the 'box' - i might need seals.... but plan on chopping up my old murray RER chassis for the box material- also need to leave some metal to attach it to a tractor frame- ill post pics when i start it.
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PostSubject: Re: Projects: so far...   Projects: so far... Icon_minitime

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