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 what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman

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2014 Build-Off Entrant
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what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Empty
PostSubject: what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman    what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2013, 8:50 pm

ok ive got a craftsman gt6000 it has a magnum 18 hp and a 12.5 38 craftsman im wanting to build a stout mudder and something that i can take over rough terrain and that will flex not gonna push it hard just trying to have a little fun

ideas toss them at me oh and im very cheap mods have to be bang for the buck tires are on the list of things to do
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2015 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant

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what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Empty
PostSubject: Re: what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman    what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2013, 10:26 pm

Does that GT have a 3 speed hi-low or is it a hydro?
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Empty
PostSubject: Re: what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman    what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2013, 10:27 pm

3 speed hi lo
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2015 Build-Off Entrant

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what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Empty
PostSubject: Re: what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman    what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2013, 10:37 pm

Ok, what year
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2014 Build-Off Entrant
2014 Build-Off Entrant

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what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Empty
PostSubject: Re: what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman    what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2013, 12:33 am

im not sure the year 80 something
its in the first part of this vid >>
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PostSubject: Re: what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman    what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman  Icon_minitime

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what to build a gt6000 as a mud mower or mid 80s craftsman
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