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 14.5 overheating

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14.5 overheating Empty
PostSubject: 14.5 overheating   14.5 overheating Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2013, 10:18 am

I have a Briggs an Stratton on my murray and it keeps overheating. I'll run it for a few minutes and it will start to bog then when I turn the choke on it will run better again but then get even hotter and start to bog again eventually getting so bad it will just die. My carb has been completely cleaned out so it's not the carb unless it's the jetting. Also I'm running it without the filter or price that holds the filter.
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Doc Sprocket
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Doc Sprocket
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PostSubject: Re: 14.5 overheating   14.5 overheating Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2013, 11:28 am

Basics first. Take the shrouds off and make sure there isnt a bunch of crap all in the cooling fins. This is the greater part of your cooling system and requires periodic maintenance.

The lesser part of your cooling system is your oil. Make sure that it is still good (change it if you haven't recently) filled to the correct level, and of the right grade.

While you're into the oil, look, smell and feel. Smell like gas? Get rid of it. Feel too thin? Toss it. Oil that looks milky is water contaminated. If it has a metallic sheen, something is very wrong inside.
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