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 friggin got a estate by murry.

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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 15th 2010, 10:46 pm

she a blast i doing some work so she will be more mud worthy and antlers, shes to fast for me 42mph is just nuts i dont wana die or anything, and muddin is more fun.

heres my project for the winter.
its an estate by Murry lawn mower with a 8hp b&S
right now she goes 42mph on gps. with a 2/1 gear ratio.

list of ideas for it:
-getting a some square stock for the front and widen it by 3" on each side and welding it to the front of the mower.
-get rid of the brass busing in the rear axle and add ball bearings.
-get the steering wheel play out.
-get front wheels with sealed bearings.
-and maybe if im luck ill get a bigger motor

i got some videos of my old mudders check em out
comment, rate and subscribe!!! heck add me as a bro
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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2010, 7:18 am

Thats what i said about my 94 murray - i know it was totally capable of at least 50 mph or more - i never went that fast because it was totally unstable and had no brakes- i took it apart last year for a needed rebuild. I have a lone partially built offroader , the rest are all speed mods ( under construction) .

About your mower- id suggest some larger wheels for the front, id change the front axle all together. It might be more beneficial in the long run to just scratch build a whole new tube chassis and mount the axle/trans and body from it- then can also adjust the hieght/stance as needed. Id also go with direct steering ( ).

Since youre planning on a larger motor- id also add a weight bar up front, you dont want to be flopping over backward constantly from all the rear weight.

I like both mudding and running fast- i had a blast up at the folks with my old agway ( totally stock) -I brot it home and i added larger front wheels, im not sure what motor ill use yet- i also want to scratch build a rack for the back to carry stuff- unfortunately mud is hard to come by in my area ....i figure ill take it over to my nephews n ride it around.

My current speed mod is a 91 MTD - its ready for its next round of upgrades- a 6 speed shift on the go trans, lowering, custom made lowering spindles, 18.5HP twin opposed and brakes- ill see if i have to use direct steering or not- seems super tight at the moment.

Its a prelude to my rat rod wheelhorse im going to build.

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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2010, 4:31 pm

yeah idk the wheels seem big enough im not going to to crazy on this one. the stearing is only scary sometimes haha
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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2010, 6:19 pm

i hate you man lol, im craving my racing mowers sooooooooo bad right now, they are too hours away up my camp and i want to play with them and work on them these days, alls i have in my garage right now is my monster mower wich only does 15 Sad
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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2010, 8:36 pm

hey my doesn't even run right now and my mom card got a messed up so i cant buy my parts
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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 16th 2010, 8:42 pm

aww man that sucks, my one does 40 right now with no breaks and needs some work, im making it faster, breakes, new clutch,m and hopefully i can rebuild and v twin im getting off a buddy to put in it, and i need to fix the steering
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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitimeDecember 17th 2010, 7:09 am

Jaree B: My murray was scarey ALL the time- clutch barely worked , so when i put it in gear it creeped, steering was vague and darty - had to hold the wheel with an iron grip, hard to do when i had to shift tho. After two years off and on of driving it around , i had enough- scared me too much to drive it ( i dont need any more trips to the ER - already have a file there).

On the MTD- i feel alot safer, the murrays seat was at nose bleed level- the MTD's is way lower, i can really lean into corners now and not be afraid of flipping it .
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friggin got a estate by murry. Empty
PostSubject: Re: friggin got a estate by murry.   friggin got a estate by murry. Icon_minitime

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