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 Aftermarket Performance Carburetors!

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Age : 30
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Location : Ontario Canada

Aftermarket Performance Carburetors! Empty
PostSubject: Aftermarket Performance Carburetors!   Aftermarket Performance Carburetors! Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2014, 11:54 pm

Hey guys! I've herd a lot of talk between some different types of carbs for Briggs engines. Whether its an Oppy, V-Twin or single id like to see an actual model of carburetor for these engines. I've herd of Mikuni carbs and Walbro carbs but I cant find any place that sells them, nor any on eBay ranging around and at least 400cc (11HP Briggs)

I see pictures of them all over the place. I would also like to know what to use for an intake adapter to convert the bolt pattern from the carb to the intake. Any information on this subject, being for an opposed or single would be of great help for me and what seems to be a growing popular demand.

Any information would help!  cheers
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