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 Throw back thursday - 1puglife Pugnick 2013

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Throw back thursday - 1puglife Pugnick 2013 Empty
PostSubject: Throw back thursday - 1puglife Pugnick 2013   Throw back thursday - 1puglife Pugnick 2013 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 10, 2014 12:59 pm

With the guys talking bout their trapter builds etc for the big may 2-4 weekend its got me wishing i was going to pugs..

So here's videos from last year. first couple will be boring because its Starpuss and I getting out there. all you miss is me nearly taking out a cyclist and a semi at the same time because people dont know how to ride on the trans canada ffs..

Sorry so many videos. figured might as well put them all up them just one and tease some of you guys!

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Throw back thursday - 1puglife Pugnick 2013
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