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 Murray off road build "The Stalker"

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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2014, 2:59 am

welp guys figured it be a good time to start new topic...Finally getting under way of my first muddying/trail mower...currently has a 12hp flat head 1 piece carb...peerless 834 soo peerless 800 series its a 6 speed and going with some 18" or 20"s out back and same as everyone else on the front ones like maine mudd mower has or neil which ever u prefer to call him by lol...going with a 1 to 1 ratio 5'' pulleys for now then after i ride it awhile i might run a little faster maybe a 6" to a 3" but that's later down the road...main build will consist of is pulley swapping decent paint job fog lights followed by the existing ones in the hood some decent tires out back and front for now...steering is flawless right now have nooo play in it so im ok for 15 mph speeds i reckon...but here are some pictures of my progress so far....<a href=[/img]Murray off road build  "The Stalker" 1p_zpsaefd8a0b" />

Murray off road build  "The Stalker" 1911879_759146040824173_1269507796526498908_n_zpsefb0515eMurray off road build  "The Stalker" <a href=Murray off road build  "The Stalker" 10390905_759155030823274_6123858399431975174_n_zpsa4ccf5a9" />
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeOctober 28th 2014, 10:34 am

looken good man, it is hard to get those pulleys off. I don't worry about steering much on my murrays, mine is fine with a 6-3 (2:1 ratio, about 35 mph).
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2014, 2:53 am

this mower is 84 and the steering in it is damn near like perfect,,,mtd is 93 handles like a nail in empty box lol steering is ok for now maybe later ill do something to but to get the feel for the mower and new speeds ill be ok also need to work on my brakes i have to stop lol or take a jump off the side either one
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2014, 1:11 am

well finally bought a pulley and shes on next is the engine pulley which i have a 5" cast iron that i still have left from the holland so im going to use it lol forgot i had it until i found it today out in my parts bin

Murray off road build  "The Stalker" 10174796_713541642056756_161404133823133953_n_zps94cd0d10Murray off road build  "The Stalker" 10420256_767266293345481_4170839137195208472_n_zps5e96cb45" />
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2014, 8:47 am

Murray off road build  "The Stalker" 10420256_767266293345481_4170839137195208472_n_zps5e96cb45" />[/quote]shiny and rusty!!!!
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2014, 12:28 pm

That gonna do it, nice!
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2014, 12:35 pm

I can agree with that.
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2014, 10:35 pm

lol im thinking of painting the transaxle with a bright color so is something happens she decides to start puking i can detect the leak better and quicker
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2014, 11:19 pm

MTD2fst4u wrote:
lol im thinking of painting the transaxle with a bright color so is something happens she decides to start puking i can detect the leak better and quicker
smartest thing I've heard all day... In real life at least
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeNovember 11th 2014, 2:54 pm

Go grey or silver. Then it looks like a stock aluminum trans-axle case.
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitimeDecember 3rd 2014, 1:36 am

just to let some of you guys know i will be using this for the build off for 2015 still tore down gutless tireless just hanging in my building lol
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Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Murray off road build "The Stalker"   Murray off road build  "The Stalker" Icon_minitime

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Murray off road build "The Stalker"
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