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 Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"

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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2015, 10:29 pm

Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Image17It's a NOVA SCOTIA MUD MOWER MR Murray WIDEBODY lt with a 12.5hp briggs with a fearlessfront governor mod done, locked peerless 5 inch front pulley and a 4 inch rear.. New shifter ,gas pedal, new duro knobby atv rear tires, new front tires are coming, also a new front bumper in store and tow hooks, led fog lights are coming as we'll, lots to see check out my YouTube at MTD12HPTURBO VIDEOS ARE COMING AGAIN IN JUNE! Stay tuned!

Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Image22Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" <a href=Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Image18" />Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Image19Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Image20Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Image21

Last edited by jakethetractorguy on March 23rd 2015, 9:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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2015 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant

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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2015, 10:36 pm

nice, any idea on top speed?
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2015, 10:37 pm

Not really.. But it really ripps, can spin the knobbys right around
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2015 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant

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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2015, 10:43 pm

nice mine used to but it had a little accident, original owner wrecked it and rewired it badly and i didnt notice and one day the solenoid caught on fire and soon the whole thing was up in flames Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" 2429134702
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2015, 10:54 pm

That's a shame although when I was little my uncle did something wrong and the mower exploded into flames (an old mtd) so it wasn't a huge loss though
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 10:59 am

nice to see u on here im a subscriber to your youtube channel love this murray and all your other tractor
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 12:25 pm

Thanks! I'll be back soon and it will get some sweet new upgrades thanks for subscribing I'll check out ur channel when I get back and have a computer again!
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802 Customs
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 7:50 pm

How you liking those knobbies? I might get a set because they're cheap and so am I lol.
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 9:55 pm

Love the knobby tires! They work great! So go for it! Sounds good to me
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802 Customs
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 10:37 pm

Alright man, thanks.
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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"   Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus" Icon_minitime

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Offroad, all terrain, Mudding Murray atv mower."citrus"
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