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 13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues

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2015 Build-Off Entrant
2015 Build-Off Entrant

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13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues Empty
PostSubject: 13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues   13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2015, 11:45 am

well, I bought a 13 hp VANGAURD for my bolens, and it will only throttle up on full choke. I know that the jets are clean, as I have blown them out with compressed air, carb cleaner, and cleaned them with a torch cleaning rod. I just a cannot figure this out!
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Age : 27
Join date : 2012-10-18
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Location : livingston texas

13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: 13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues   13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2015, 11:55 am

Hmmm. Same problem im having with my oppy. Have you checked the manifold for cracks or a leaky gasket? Have you tried running some carb cleaner in the gas? Whats the carb mountung gasket look like?
Lits of things could be wrong.. is the carb adjustable or is it fixed jets?
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13 HP OHV VANGAURD Carb issues
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