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 Breaking in the mower before mods

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Age : 24
Join date : 2015-07-10
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Location : Derry NH

Breaking in the mower before mods Empty
PostSubject: Breaking in the mower before mods   Breaking in the mower before mods Icon_minitimeNovember 5th 2015, 6:38 pm

I got this fall a Snaper lt 12 and have been resurrecting back to life from the condition i got it in.

When i first got it  i had to pull all the shorted kill switches in the clutch and seat  to make this turn over. The carb had a good 1/4 of a inch of dirt and water in it (it dose not have a air box). Later i cleaned up the fly weel and put a new magneto in. Now it runs great and the engine has a attitude. When the moter is under a lot of stress the left cylinder blows a small amount of oil out with the exhaust, I am assuming this is because of week piston rings. (I run the einge most of the time on low idol)when the einge is under some stress and it wants to start seasing and winding down i push the throttle more and both cylinders blow out oil in the exhaust. the last thing is the einge likes to run HOT more than what i have seen on other engines.

For mods i want to fabricate a atv back rack to hold about 2 milk crates. I also want to put a accelerator on the floor. When it comes to tires i am probably going to buy chains becuse me being a cheap yanky i don't want to buy tires.

I can tell sense i am heavily abusing the engine it will probably lose compression within the next cople of years.

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