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 Suspention ideas?

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PostSubject: Suspention ideas?   Suspention ideas? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2015, 6:06 am

Ive been building my trail mower for a few weeks now and so far things are going good, it's has a great ratio plenty of torque and minimal slippage. But.... This thing rides rough. I want to do a front suspention and maybe a rear swing arm setup for more comfort, has anybody tried this?
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PostSubject: Re: Suspention ideas?   Suspention ideas? Icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2015, 2:46 pm

I've always thought the best way would be to run an axle in bearings behind the transmission and drive it with chains from the transaxle output shafts. In theory you could lock the transaxle and just run a chain down on one side, or you could run a chain on each side with the differential either locked or unlocked. I think a couple of fairly beefy arms would do the job of keeping your new axle in line. If you kept the pivot point of the suspension at the output shafts of the trans, then you chains wouldn't get loose/tight with suspension movement. Of course you'd be moving the rear wheels back to make room for this, or moving the transmission forward somehow if possible in the frame. If you wanted to go a lot wider and longer with the wheels, then it would be a nice setup. Making the whole transaxle move for suspension isn't too easy I think, at least not with a vertical shaft setup. Not worth the hassle of minimal suspension travel. There are a few nice front suspension setups around on here.
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Suspention ideas?
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