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 Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question

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Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question Empty
PostSubject: Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question   Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question Icon_minitimeApril 9th 2016, 11:51 pm

I just purchased a 1960 something Huffy Broadlawn 8hp I am needing a carburetor and intake for it. Can someone please help me out as to what it needs? Or if you have the parts and would like to sell them please let me know. Thank You!!!

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Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question   Huffy Broadlawn 8hp question Icon_minitimeApril 10th 2016, 4:44 pm

Pretty sure I got it figured out
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