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 Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high

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PostSubject: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2016, 1:11 pm

I'm having some trouble with my 12hp Briggs Powerbuilt. It idles way too high and when you rev it up, it revs at max throttle way past what the governer would allow. I've took it all apart and all seems good. I was thinking of bending the little tab in a bit on the throttle body but not sure if theres an internal problem.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 11th 2016, 7:16 pm

Is this an engine you just got? If so, probably got someone else's problem. Sounds like you got the right idea. The spring is pulling to much so bending what you mentioned should work. As long as the governor rod moves back and forth on the engine with it off then everything should be OK inside of motor. Pretty reliable on how they are built on the inside.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2016, 11:18 am

No this is one that I've had sitting for about 6 months that was running fine when it last ran. i'll try bending the tab
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2016, 12:35 pm

Turns out it isnt the wee tab on the throttle ass. I tried running it without the throttle assembly and it still revs high. Am thinking its the governor arm because I just put that on before I got it started. is there a way to put it on that assures it works correctly
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2016, 1:40 pm

Is the a spring missing maybe?
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 12th 2016, 2:02 pm

Found the problem. The governer arm was sliding about on the rod that comes out of the block so I tightened it up and it works great!
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 13th 2016, 9:10 pm

Good job.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitimeApril 14th 2016, 11:38 am

Yeah it was reasonably easy to fix once I knew what the problem was.
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PostSubject: Re: Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high   Briggs and Stratton 12hp Powerbuilt Idling/Reving too high Icon_minitime

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