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 How i fexed it. "Tip of idle fuel adjustment screw is broken off in the carb."

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Hillbilly Homer
Hillbilly Homer

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How i fexed  it.  "Tip of  idle fuel adjustment screw is broken off in the carb." Empty
PostSubject: How i fexed it. "Tip of idle fuel adjustment screw is broken off in the carb."   How i fexed  it.  "Tip of  idle fuel adjustment screw is broken off in the carb." Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2016, 5:29 pm

Ground the sharp end off a plastic push pin so it is flat .

Sand the wire down to just fit in the hole. "you will need to make sure that its the same size from tip to the plastic".  If its larger at the top it will enlarge the hole.

Holed the  plastic part of the push pin with needle nose pliers and hold over hole and squeeze the pin in with channel lock pliers. "If the plastic breaks holed the wire"
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How i fexed it. "Tip of idle fuel adjustment screw is broken off in the carb."
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