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 dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry]

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2016 Build-Off Entrant
2016 Build-Off Entrant

Join date : 2014-01-03
Points : 4167
Posts : 95

dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry] Empty
PostSubject: dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry]   dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry] Icon_minitimeMay 14th 2016, 7:26 am

Basically starting with a Craftsman LT1000 lawn tractor chassis and not much else.  I plan on mounting the axle at the furthest front of the frame, but on top of the frame to lower the ride height.  I will be extending the rear of the frame with some box tubing and adding a 3/4 dead axle with a chain drive setup and band brake.  I am thinking powerplant will be a Predator 6.5 hp from Harbor Freight.  I may install a torque converter if funds allow.  Overall build is going to either resemble a rat rod or a 1950's Grand Prix Car.  
dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry] 20160513_162528_zps4vm60pvb
dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry] 20160513_162517_zpshku7ovtd
dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry] KIMG0369_zpshko3ysya
dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry] 20160513_162534_zpsa4morcf4
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dwcopple's Craft-Rod project [2016 Build-Off Entry]
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