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 My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!

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Diesel Exhaustion
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Diesel Exhaustion
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2016 Build-Off Entrant
2016 Build-Off Entrant

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My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Empty
PostSubject: My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!   My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Icon_minitimeJuly 18th 2016, 10:15 pm

Here are some pictures of my last rig. I sold her last year but it was my first REAL offroad mower. I had racers in the past and a few thrown together ones but this was the first one I went all out on.

My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! 100_0111My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! 100_0112My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! 100_0113My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! 100_0115My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! 100_0114My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! 100_0117

It originally had a 19.5hp briggs ohv in it Neutral which I sold and replaced with the 12.5 briggs flathead Very Happy . It was also an original hydro mower Sleep and I converted it to an mst-205 Cool . I did the conversion because I was told it couldn't be done. All said and done after you subtract the money I made off the motor, tires, and deck I only had about $50 in it! Pretty good price for that beast! I sold it because I needed the money to move on to bigger and better projects, plus I felt it was a little under powered and since it was already done I didn't want to change up the pulley sizes. Let me know what you think! flower
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My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!   My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2016, 7:55 pm

Looks like a cool machine. Where did you get that PCV catch can?
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Diesel Exhaustion
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Diesel Exhaustion
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2016 Build-Off Entrant
2016 Build-Off Entrant

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Location : Ashtabula County, Ohio USA

My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!   My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2016, 8:21 pm

I got it from amazon for $19.99 USD. It was a pretty good deal and it came with all the brackets and hose needed. The 12 flathead was getting tired and was letting oil get past the pcv thats why I got it.
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5000+ Posts
5000+ Posts!
2020 Build-Off Entrant
2020 Build-Off Entrant
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1st Place Build-Off Winner 2019

Age : 26
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My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!   My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2016, 11:50 pm

Yeah it sounds like a good deal. I made my own catch can/breather for both of my machines. They seem to work pretty good. So far, hahaha!
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My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Empty
PostSubject: Re: My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!   My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2! Icon_minitime

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My first REAL mud mower! The Craftsman 4x2!
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