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 12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal

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12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal  Empty
PostSubject: 12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal    12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal  Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2016, 9:43 pm

12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal  Image11 how would you guys/gals rig up a gas pedal for this? The cable zig zags into the little plastic box? Cut and bend then attach gas pedal cable to it? Can't figure out a way...
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PostSubject: Re: 12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal    12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal  Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2016, 11:18 pm

Here is what I've done a couple times now. Have the cable attach to a solid piece. In my case, I had a bicycle brake or shifter cable with an end on it (barrel or whatever it's called). Anyway, I bent up a stock lawn mower carb rod so the one end of course fits into the throttle. The other end I bend around so it forms a hook. Then you need a small nut that just barely fits over the cable end. You slide the nut over the cable end and then put the hook through. Once the hook is through it can't fit back off the cable. You can also loop the cable and crimp it with aluminum things which are made for cable. Avaliable at home depot or lowes near the cable and rope. I don't have a pic or know exactly what they are called, but they're just a small aluminum thing with space for two cables to fit through. They come in different sizes for various cables. Then once everything is adjusted and hooked in, the cable can't fall out.
12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal  IMG_4594_zpstmviytx4
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12hp Briggs flathead gas pedal
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