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 Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?

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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 1:52 pm

so im having all kinds of little issues that need to be fixed wtih the racer but im slowly gettin out all the kinks.

so i got my throttle hooked up today and it worked great with the engine off but when i tried it with the engine running the govenor kept it at min. throttle no matter what i did. so i have no throttle control at all. i know the Governor is supposed to keep it under a certain RPM but am i really maxing out at min throttle?

i dont want to take the govenor off cuz its a huge engine 18.5 hp v twin and it runs like a champ so i dont need anymore power and i also dont want to ruin it or have the flywheel explode.

it would be less fun to ride with zero throttle control so if anyone knows whats wrong here let me kno:)
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 3:55 pm

What i had to do with my opposed twin was remove the throttle assembly from the front of the motor- i still left my governer hooked to the throttle linkage tho. I ran a spring from the governer to the chassis and hooked my throttle cable directly to one of the carb linkages.

Heres the pic of my setup again:
Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Thrott10

Pretty simple setup that worked really good.
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 8:15 pm

hey whats that silver thing you used to clamp the 2 wires together? an where can i buy one? i need one. lol
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 9:45 pm

I can't tell from the pic but it looks like a cable clamp, a very small one, meant for steel cable. Should be able to find them at a hardware store.
Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? CableClamps2Size2
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 11:08 pm

oh sweet thats exactly what i need. i was lookin for somethin like that in home depot yesterday but its kinda hard to find somethin when you dont know what itss called and you dont know what it looks like. haha

but i still have no clue whats up with the govenor
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 15th 2011, 11:46 pm

I hook throttle cables up the same way the stock one was.
This way you know everthing will work like it should.
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2011, 7:10 pm

trcustoms.. thats the thing.. its hooked up to the exact spot that the old throttle is hooked uo to.
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2011, 8:04 pm

noledroByrreK wrote:
trcustoms.. thats the thing.. its hooked up to the exact spot that the old throttle is hooked uo to.
Well the govnor should be working fine then if nothings broke.
Just know when to stop on the throttle.
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2011, 8:15 pm

yea i could just unhook the govenor and make a stopper or something and also never rev it at full throttle so i dont put major wear on it and nothin fails or explodes. i wouldnt really want to do that but if its the only thing i can do to have throttle control i guess i will. ill just have to be careful with it
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 16th 2011, 10:40 pm

noledroByrreK wrote:
yea i could just unhook the govenor and make a stopper or something and also never rev it at full throttle so i dont put major wear on it and nothin fails or explodes. i wouldnt really want to do that but if its the only thing i can do to have throttle control i guess i will. ill just have to be careful with it

Stock set RPM's are about 3600, you can get about 4000 out of them and be safe.
I run tachs on engines without govnors so i don't blow em up, you can buy them at for about $40 bucks i believe.
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeMay 17th 2011, 7:12 pm

Yeah i used a small cable clamp that i got at TSC - i found it works the best , altho id seen cable stops used as well - i hooked the spring directly to the governer , when the cable pulls on the carb link it activates both the carb and governer.

In my case modding a tractor was to prove a totally stock governed motor can run a tractor into the upper double digits - which i did . I had no intention of blowing up the perfectly good twin cylender i used - why i figured out how to run the governer with it.
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2012, 6:53 pm

I read over your input..its helping me decide what to do with my 15.5 briggs..I think i will remove the Gov...and fab a throttle with the "full" throttle less than wide open...I dont need "fast" i want low RPMs and torque..
I think people "blow" engines from running wide open and not having the gear ratio to accomidate high RPMs.. why have 4000 rpms and in low gear?

Its like the movie Jay and silent bob...Gears? affraid
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2012, 6:44 pm

Most people want more power from higher RPM's - its all well and good, but stock motors dont like anything over 3600 RPM's - mainly because they arent designed to spin any faster - theres really no 'berings' inside to speak of , oiling is basically terrible ( its flung around inside ) - they have a hard time dissapating heat as well( hence the shroud).

Stock cast flywheels WILL crack and shatter is continually run over the 3600rpms - thats why most racers/modders spend tons of cash properly building a powerhouse of a motor , personally i couldnt get any real power from my 14HP OHV motor on my murray , so doubled the power with a 18HP twin cylender - no shortage of power after that , and i wasnt even close to moving the governer .
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Age : 48
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitimeJuly 5th 2012, 7:06 pm

I dont know much about the twins...I know what you mean with the lawn racers...they swap out shafts, rods, pistons...etc. I read over a guy with forged aluminum rods, and magnesium pistons...theres alot to change.
I am also figuring out about "puke tanks" do i even need one? that should be anouther thread though..or is there one already?

So the bottom line is, unless you got some cash to put into the engine, run it stock and itll last longer..?
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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?   Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem? Icon_minitime

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Do I have a govenor problem or a throttle problem?
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