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 Dynamark steering woes

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Age : 37
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Dynamark steering woes Empty
PostSubject: Dynamark steering woes   Dynamark steering woes Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2016, 11:50 am

I have a Dynamark that I'm gonna start building for my wife. I got this tractor as a mower initially, and it needed work to run then. My question is, it has the left side old style Murray steering (crappy design), and it has always been hard to steer. I've lubricated the spindles and steering gear and everything is free, but it is still a bear to steer even while moving. is there a trick to get that system to steer better or is it just the nature of the beast? Naturally, I want to make sure its gonna be right when I turn it over to my wife, but I'm out of ideas. Also, has anyone upgraded that style of tractor to a better style steering gear setup? I'm not above adapting something like a craftsman steering gear on it too. TIA for replies.
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